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published in(发表于) 2016/4/8 9:23:15 Edit(编辑)
Misappropriation of public funds in the Steam House purchase games, US lawmakers ’ tragedies

Misappropriation of public funds in the Steam House purchase games, US lawmakers ’ tragedies(挪用公款在Steam豪购游戏,美议员大悲剧,)



Misappropriation of public funds in the Steam House purchase games, US lawmakers ' great tragedy-Steam-IT information

Corruption has powerful regulation of the United States Government has always been in the corruption perceptions index ranks good, but that does not mean the United States bureaucrats will not move a self-serving public funds. Not long ago the Federal Election Commission against Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter of California, the question, and the reason is a bit dumbfounding: this guy had misappropriated $ 1302 in election funding in the Steam for at least 68 games.

Accurate Hunter present acts is not considered corruption in the strict sense, because they are using campaign funds to buy, but marked "future pay". But the Hunter in a long time and does not intend to pay more than 1000 dollars, and was caught red-handed by the Election Commission.

But according to the House speaker's statement, these games are not his own, but his youngest son secretly took his credit card on the Steam consumption. So there might be some credibility, which consumption is concentrated in a three-month time and expect a busy day to die United States officials will not crazy just because the Steam sale starts with dozens of games ... ...

挪用公款在Steam豪购游戏,美议员大悲剧 - Steam - IT资讯

对贪腐拥有强效监管的美国政府一向都在清廉指数上排名不错,但这并不意味着美国的官僚们就不会挪动点公款谋一谋私利。不久前联邦选举委员会就对来自加州的共和党籍众议员Duncan Hunter进行了质询,而原因则有点让人哭笑不得:这家伙竟然挪用了1302美金的选举资金在Steam上买了至少68款游戏。



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