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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 8:32:18 Edit(编辑)
Why DOS is still important? ,

Why DOS is still important? ,

Why DOS is still important?
-FreeDOS,DOS-IT news Why DOS is still important?

20 years ago, the University physics undergraduate Jim Hall FreeDOS project was launched. He now is Director of IT at Minnesota-Morris University, remains actively involved in the project. He said the FreeDOS project currently has 30 to 50 active developers. Most developers contribute to FreeDOS is motivated by intellectual challenge, such as contribute to FreeDOS kernel Pasquale "Pat" Villani was a DEC, Compaq and HP software engineer, year-round work in Unix operating systems.

DOS is still important because it allows developers close to the hardware, FreeDOS than any other modern OS on virtualization and more hardware-friendly--it's even becoming the core of DOSEMU emulators. Jim Hall DOS users was analyzed two years ago found that DOS is mainly used to run three programs: old classic DOS games, software and embedded systems. DOS core user base is much greater than most people imagine, and still today there are many companies in developed for DOS programs, such as National Health Systems pharmacy systems sales still runs on DOS.

FreeDOS is not the only players in the market, there are many commercial embedded DOS MS-DOS compatible operating system vendors to sell their, while Microsoft is also supplying an embedded version of MS-DOS to equipment manufacturers. As FreeDOS closer to the underlying hardware, it is used to drive the serial device programming and developing educational tools, as other development platform for embedded DOS environment. Says senior developer Eric Auer of FreeDOS, DOS is a true classic, you can run the standard compiler and editor.

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