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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 7:04:42 Edit(编辑)
Poly America CEO announcements over: buy fake 1 million yuan of compensation,

Poly America CEO announcements over: buy fake 1 million yuan of compensation,(聚美优品CEO陈欧:买到假货赔偿100万元,)



Poly America CEO announcements over: buy fake high compensation of 1 million Yuan-Ju mei products, announcements over, fake-IT information

Poly-us CEO announcements over on Twitter a few days ago on his platform of "fake" problem with friends engaged in a fierce debate and said, " If get fakes exist on the platform, on the 1 million yuan of compensation ! ”

Tomb Sweeping Festival have rain but fakes annoy people

Midnight yesterday and early this morning, announcements over Ju mei platform "fake" problem, fire three Tweet to friends fire: "today, who is black, I, I have tear made it out, don't think black people are not free". While Twitter comments and netizens heated discussions: "Welcome to rights, if it's fake, I'll pay you 1 million, if you gossip, 500 times I go and spend 10 million and take you to court."

As of press time ago, this microblog has been forwarded over 2000 times, there are 16,000 comments!

"Mr Chen" bullets of, users to be outdone :

ALV loved ass: then tell me the false evaluation. Some treasure you can choose bad reviews, comments. But Ju mei's evaluation of how selected, add blueprint is a lot of praise, so long, why are you through gas red. False advertising does not say, and also completely unable to see, shopping results depend on luck.

My name is Chen Chen: I bought the sekkisei acne on the face, but then I looked it up because my skin is not suitable for this. I bought a set, he had a full refund, it's fantastic. If you really bought the fake refunds, group of spray is stupid?

Zhang Laura Negro?? Christine fan Qi, husband of?

Little sticky MUA: top tube, and below there are loopholes. There instead of here that the dead still teach us how to distinguish between true and false so that we would be more likely to accept [the Sun]

BI2CHAN: Empress anger

About poly-us "platform" fake issue, there have been a number of media reports on several occasions:

"Li Wei in the poly-us best buy the coach (Coach) black man purse authenticity in doubt. Then get in touch with poly-us official customer service. But both sides, fruit-free communication ... ... "-the China Business Journal

"By using" Poly-us "38 Yuan to buy on the discomfort of cleansing cotton, consumer manufacturers and a Web site together to court. Wuhan City Intermediate Court gave a refund and compensation of 500 Yuan together...... "-the Yangtze River business newspaper

Get worry the United States is not fake

In February this year, poly-us announces $ 7/ADS after privatization, many small investors on the price expressed great dissatisfaction and set up organizational rights. 26th at 12 o'clock noon of the month, investors get the US stood under the Office building, is not a procession more than a demonstration, not chanting slogans, blocking the door, into the work area, banners and signs may not be personal attacks...... "

However the face of investor discontent and an open letter, announcements over and Ju mei has never been outside have no response. This year, Ju mei share price has risen from $ 9 at the beginning, fell US $ 6.49 until April 1, down nearly 30%.

In April of the same year, Ju mei two co-CFO Gao Meng submitted his resignation to the Board, Zheng Yunsheng due to personal reasons. Gao Meng's departure date is April 1, and Zheng Yunsheng departure time for June 2016. And Ju mei did not disclose the CFO succession.

Announcements over said: "We thank Gao Meng, Zheng Yunsheng Ju mei superior contribution, but I respect their decision, and want them to have a better development in the future."

聚美优品CEO陈欧:买到假货赔偿100万元 - 聚美优品,陈欧,假货 - IT资讯


清明时节雨纷纷 奈何假货惹恼人







小黏糕mua:上面管的再严,下面多少还是会有漏洞的。还有与其在这里说的死死的 还是多教教我们怎么辨别真假 这样我们会比较容易接受点[太阳]










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