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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:10:09 Edit(编辑)
WWDC2014:, where Apple’s hardware products,

WWDC2014:, where Apple’s hardware products,

WWDC2014: Apple hardware products where the beta-WWDC2014,iOS8, iOS8.0,iOS8,OS x 10.10, Apple-IT news WWDC2014: Apple hardware products, where

While Apple's WWDC Developer Conference itself is a publishing software platform in the world, but in the just-ended Congress released on Apple hardware products are not, indeed, was surprised and disappointed by many users.

That's right, new Yosemite OS x system has been redesigned with more iOS7 flat style and design of the translucent, and have added a lot of new improvements, such as computer answer iPhone calls the new notification Center, support for third-party widgets, and so on. In addition, the same freshly baked iOS8 system also adds many new features, including Message support for group chat, send instant voice messages, Touch ID support for third-party applications, notifications, plug-in, the strengthening of the Centre and OS x HealthKit health data interoperability and new management.

That's right, not a hardware product.

Everyone expects Apple to some extent able to launch new hardware products on this year's WWDC. At last year's WWDC 2013, Apple has updated its notebook lineup and brought impressive "garbage can" shape a new Mac Pro. At this Conference, maybe Apple doesn't like iWatch, in such a new product or new version of Apple TV, but at least we expect to see more such improvements, such as retinal MacBook Air version. Even weeks before the opening of the WWDC is rumoured to also display the iPhone6 will be released at the Conference, although not many people are willing to believe it's true.

At last year's WWDC Apple released new hardware, so naturally this Assembly in terms of hardware is also full of part expectations, but from the actual situation really makes people feel a little disappointed. Even on Wall Street, investors think Apple hardware products will be introduced, so at the WWDC Apple shares fell even after the end of 1%, despite the new Yosemite and iOS8 OS x makes people very excited, still feels something more to say.

Yosemite and iOS8, two new OS x version does not disappoint, even some of the excitement, not to mention the new developer tools that can help developers better and faster introduction of new procedures. But we also think that Apple should give us some hardware at the WWDC, at least so as not to lag behind major competitors. You know Google's I/O Developer Conference will be opened later this month will include powered by Android Wear system for wearable devices and the new version of the Android system also will attract the eyes of the world.

The WWDC Developer Conference once again proved that Apple will have to invest in order to ensure competitiveness. In order to ensure its own appeal of platforms for developers, all of which are free. Apple released in September before iPhone6 remained silent, does not introduce any new hardware it? At least judging from the present situation does so. But for Apple, he continues to be a hardware company, need to rely on software and content to promote your own high-margin equipment sales. For Apple, the software was just warming up, and plays at the back.

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