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published in(发表于) 2016/4/2 8:35:00 Edit(编辑)
The hackers reverse days manipulating democratic election in 9 countries,

The hackers reverse days manipulating democratic election in 9 countries,(这个黑客够逆天,操纵了9个国家的民主选举,)



The hackers reverse days, manipulating the democratic election of 9 countries-hackers, elections-IT information

Today to introduce a Colombia hacker, if not sticky, for clemency in the prison, he might be able to silence.

For his actions, users a exclamation sentence summary is, "he played almost all the democratic elections in Latin American countries. ”

Who is this guy?

Andeliesi·saipuerweida (small note: Andr e s Sep, Raúl lveda), 31, is currently Colombia′s prisons.

In 2014, Sepulveda was arrested in Colombia in the 2014 presidential election implementation of network crime in jail, was sentenced to 10 years. At that time, the object of his services was the right-wing opposition candidate zuluajia (ó scar Iv á n Zuluaga), who strongly opposed the left-wing rebels "Colombia revolutionary armed forces" of peace talks.

Zuluajia, Sepulveda is only 8 years of hacking in the service of one of many senior politicians in Latin America.

▲ Zuluajia

On March 31, the Sepulveda in the current issue of Bloomberg BusinessWeek revealed that 9 Latin American countries had participated in the operation of democratic elections, including theft of data, install malicious software, forged in the social media of mass public opinion to support or oppose.

Went through several assassination attempts, he decided to leave everything to the public, hoping to win support and a reduced sentence.

He focuses on how to manipulate Mexico election. In 2012, Sepulveda and hackers with malicious software to monitor competitors, and eventually helped Mexico Nieto won the election of the President, called "black propaganda" (black propaganda).

"My job is to perform instructions of the dirty war and waging psychological warfare launched black all the propaganda, disinformation-the political dark side, everyone can see it, but I don′t know it exists. ”

? Mexico President Nieto

Specifically, Sepulveda has a $ 600,000 budget, designed to combat Nieto of the institutional Revolutionary Party′s two main competitors: the ruling centre-right national action party candidate hesaifeina·basikesi·Mota (Josefina Vázquez Mota), and luopeisi·aobuladuoer of the left-wing party of the Democratic Revolution (Andr e s Manuel López Obrador).

His team at the headquarters of the two rival camps have malicious software installed, can help monitor the phone and computer. Take this, Sepulveda was a variety of speeches, conference planning and organization of elections.

Based on this information, he with "Navy" publishing false tweets, to lead public opinion to Nieto′s topic, such as applause for Nieto plans to combat drug violence-or crush their rivals.

▲ Aobuladuoer and Thiago Motta

Sepulveda said, in order for the "Navy" looks authentic, all accounts are operating for at least one year or more, he also used additional forth blessing and concern a large number of low-end Twitter robot, this kind of "trickle" slowly to form discussion.

"When I realized that people are more willing to believe the network rather than the reality of public opinion, I find that I have the ability to get people to believe anything. "He told Bloomberg.

"Black propaganda" range can be even more precise. Sepulveda described, a representative in order to divide the Tabasco and those who supported his conservative Catholic, he created a group of gay men face book account, specifically support this. Wobbly in Jalisco, he Setup program automatically in the morning making campaign calls, harassment of voters on behalf of the rival camp. Finally, the left-wing candidate, Governor Ramírez (Enrique Alfaro Ram í Rez) narrowly lost to rivals.

Sepulveda said, his reward is high, but his purpose was political. He supported those who oppose "the dictatorship and the Socialist Government of" left-wing and right-wing candidates .

Sepulveda, claimed that by similar means, he was affected to varying degrees in Venezuela, and Nicaragua, and Panama, and Honduras, and El Salvador, and Colombia, and Costa Rica and Guatemala′s democratically elected, for up to 8 years old.

? Country location

However, although has played such an important role, Sepulveda said, the vast majority of his services of the politician might not be aware of his presence.

Because every action is through intermediaries, and most of those he had destroyed the evidence.

These middlemen, Sepulveda said, head is Huan·hesai ? Rui Deng (Rend Juan Jos é ó n). This person is very famous in Latin America, is a headquarters in the United States political consultant in Miami, "Karl Rove in Latin America" in the world (Karl Rove of Latin America).

Who is Karl Rove? He has been called (United States President) "Bush′s brain", in less than ten years "not drunk for a set-up to be a President."

Bloomberg Sepulveda and Rui Deng is mentioned in some of the emails.

? Huan·hesai ? Rui Deng

? Karl Rove′s "set-up"

However, Sepulveda "allegations" was denied by the party soon. Rui Deng told the guardian by telephone, only saw Serpoul Vader once, in 2005, he had by way of subcontracting Sepulveda design Web page, the message mentioned above, not from the bottom of his email address.

Coincidence that, according to the Mexico Herald Web site, Sepulveda′s first job since 2005, including modify, opponents add, modify the core database of the opponent and so on.

"He was delusional, all his dramas like the hacker Corps. "Rui Deng said.

▲ Fire once in a while and legions of hackers last year, tells the story of a lone hacker against the interest groups

Rui Deng demanding messages from Bloomberg News and video evidence, also questioned the Internet has a decisive effect on the shaping of public opinion.

"Can you really do change people through social media? Perhaps in the Ukraine or Syria (), where people have no other choice. But in the Americas, with TV, there is freedom of the press, as well as door-to-door canvassing activities, social media has so much influence. ”

However, Rui Deng also acknowledge, with Nieto Institutional Revolutionary Party has 16 years of partnership.

? Tunisia revolution had by some Western media as the "Twitter revolution"

Meanwhile, Mexico President′s Office also issued a statement on March 31 night, denied the charges: "2012 presidential campaign had nothing to do with andeliesi·saipuerweida, and J.J. Rui Deng did not contract between consultant. ”

Statement also denied "reports referring to information and means", and said the campaign′s actions are in strict compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.

? Mexico Presidential Office: statement on Bloomberg

Nieto of the institutional Revolutionary Party members, as well as the 2012 election team Martin, the Deputy Minister (Jorge Ram í Rez Mar í n) said the report "is false, no basis in reality, imagine. "He also pointed out that, in 2012, of the institutional Revolutionary Party is the opposition, however, has been in Mexico accounted for the vast majority of the Government.

Also early on the Mexico election "bitter" people. Aobuladuo (López Obrador) in 2006 and Mexico finished second in the election, he believed that the election was manipulated. He wrote on Facebook, although Sepulveda′s allegations "disgusting and abhorrent," but "not new".

In addition to Latin America, Sepulveda said he had received from the Spain job offer, but refused because of too busy. And when Bloomberg journalists wondering, United States election is also being manipulated?

This "election manipulation veteran" flatly replied, "I absolutely confirm Yes. ”

▲ Sepulveda head tattoo is a two-dimensional code

这个黑客够逆天,操纵了9个国家的民主选举 - 黑客,选举 - IT资讯




安德烈斯·塞普尔维达(小编注:Andrés Sepúlveda),31岁,目前正在哥伦比亚的监狱服刑。

2014年,塞普尔维达因涉嫌在哥伦比亚2014年总统大选中实施网络犯罪被捕入狱,被判刑10年。当时,他的服务对象是右翼反对党候选人祖鲁阿加(óscar Iván Zuluaga),此人强烈反对与左翼反政府武装“哥伦比亚革命军”和谈。





他重点介绍了如何操纵墨西哥大选。2012年,塞普尔维达与其他黑客一起通过恶意软件监控对手,并最终帮助墨西哥总统涅托赢得选举,行动名称叫“黑色宣传”(black propaganda)。



具体来说,塞普尔维达拥有60万美元的预算,专门用来打击革命制度党涅托的两个主要竞争对手:当时执政的中右派政党国家行动党的参选人何塞菲娜·巴斯克斯·莫塔(Josefina Vázquez Mota),和左派民主革命党的洛佩斯·奥布拉多尔(Andrés Manuel López Obrador)。






“黑色宣传”的打击范围还可以更精确。塞普尔维达介绍,为了离间塔巴斯科州一名代表和那些支持他的保守天主教徒,他创造了一个男性同性恋群体的脸书账号,专门支持这名代表。在摇摆不定的哈利斯科州,他设置程序在凌晨自动拨打竞选电话,以对手阵营的名义骚扰选民。最后,左翼候选人、也是该州州长拉米雷斯(Enrique Alfaro Ramírez)以微弱劣势输给对手。






在这些中间人中,塞普尔维达称,最高负责人是胡安·何塞·芮登(Juan JoséRendón)。此人在拉美非常有名,是一名工作总部在美国迈阿密的政治顾问,享有“拉美的卡尔·罗夫”的美誉(Karl Rove of Latin America)。
















涅托所在的革命制度党成员,同时也是2012年选举团队的副协调部长马丁(Jorge Ramírez Marín)称,这篇报道“完全是虚假的,没有现实根据,全凭想象。”他还指出,革命制度党在2012年是反对党,然而当时已经在墨西哥政府中占据了绝大多数。

也有早就对墨西哥选举“痛心疾首”的人。奥不拉多(López Obrador)曾在2006年的墨西哥大选中屈居第二,他认为那次大选遭到了操控。他在脸书上写道,虽然塞普尔维达的这些指控“恶心又可恶”,但是“毫不新鲜”。




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