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published in(发表于) 2016/7/9 8:04:02 Edit(编辑)
Technical communication: website structure optimization of the site benefits

Technical communication: website structure optimization of the site benefits(技术交流:网站结构优化对网站的好处,)



Technical communication: good for Web site optimization-SEO site structure optimization, webmaster-IT information

From netizens, Li Ming-posting

I have and exchange of many bloggers, found that many bloggers do a website SEO optimization, do not take the site structure, here, I want to tell you things, site structure optimization. Internal optimization, outer chain optimization is equally important. Reasonable structure of the site, can properly express the hierarchical relationships between the main content of the site and its content; from the user's point of view, allows the user to access information more clearly. For SEO, and clear relationship between primary and secondary site directory, with opportunities for search engine spiders to crawl, find key content quickly, was a prerequisites for the excellent page. Each of the benefits of optimization for the site is impossible to estimate. Here to talk about structure optimization and what are the advantages!

One, from a user experience perspective

Clear site structure can bring a better user experience, if a user has by clicking clear, quickly find the information they want, not only allows the user to browse easily and more conducive to retaining customers. Essentially, for a good user experience of the website, and search engines like websites, user behavior on the site, may be counted in the ranking algorithm. This is the reason why blog optimization is better, because a blog is simple, distinct priorities and help search engine spiders crawl included.

Second, from the search engine benefits

For search engine spiders, crawl the page content through the site structure to crawl the page content, so reasonably clear website structure allows the search engines to better include a page's content. Search engine recommended site structure for a flat tree-shaped network structure.

Flat structure: all pages in the Web site root, forming a flattened physical structure. The advantages of hierarchical structure of short, high efficiency of spiders, short URL, conducive to the inclusion and ranking of search engines. But the disadvantage is that semantic URL is not obvious, as data volumes grow sites become difficult to organize (need fair use here), not to do within the chain, weight transfer difficulty concentrating. Therefore, flat structure for simple vertical's small and medium sites. (Blogs are included in this category)

Tree structure: many directory websites or sections, or columns belong to the directory, or the directory section of the page. Structured, semantic clear URL, identify high search engines deal with internal link weight transfer will be easier management easy. Tree hierarchy but too deep will cause a collection slowed down and over the network structure will result in chaos Web site structure, link complex, likely to lead to decreased efficiency of spiders, so tree structure of program organization and link optimization is essential. This structure is suitable for many categories of content, content of the website. (Basic information kiosks are this type)

Third, the internal and external links to a site as important

Website optimization is from detail in all aspects of the weight point of view, the structural connection between external and internal relationships, establishing internal and external contacts, better indexed by search engines, such as external links, not only links, or to link keywords to set up Web site internal links, and search engine optimization guidelines.

Connected with the main content of the site, a user's favorite, search engines love pages, improve the content of the Web site, is an important criterion for SEO of a website!

技术交流:网站结构优化对网站的好处 - SEO优化,站长 - IT资讯












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