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IPhone,SE, domestic manufacturers of small screen on how to follow up? ,

IPhone,SE, domestic manufacturers of small screen on how to follow up? ,(面对iPhone,SE,国内厂商的小屏机如何跟进?,)



IPhone SE, domestic manufacturers of small screen on how to follow up? -IPhone SE, small-screen mobile phone, cell phone manufacturers-IT information

Steve jobs once said, 3.5-inch screen phone is the optimum size of job control. After launching iPhone5 Cook though, a size 4 inch again. In 2013, the Lei publication millet 2S, the sizes up to 4.3 inches. Millet 4 release, Lei changed to 4.7 inches in the best hands touch. Liu Zuohu, staff can take control of the best size is 5.5 inches.

Well, in fact, these bosses said were wide of the mark.

What size to make people feel most comfortable? We do not discuss here, after all, about 1.9 meters for men and 1.6 m girl, single size is impossible to generalize what HT is out of hand.

You can hardly imagine Moto 4.3-inch blade in hand than 4.7-inch MotoX comfortable, and this is the product of industrial design and optimize the impact on the operation of the system. However, the screen is getting bigger, this is the real user needs?

Mobile phone actually has a lot of discussion about the small screen. I have raised as early as in early 2015, Apple might be a renewed emphasis on 4-inch market, had put forward this view is mainly based on two reasons.

Is the era of iPhone 4, iPhone 5, Apple's own trained a large number of users with small screens, which moderate users stuck in small-screen campaign, which some users there are replacement demand, the future must have a small screen and high configuration of the mobile phone to meet this part of the group.

The latest data from market research company Mixpanel, iPhone 5, iPhone 4-inch screen 5s and iPhone 5C currently has 32.22% users, iPhone 6 35.23% of users, both comparable to the number of users, which means that there is still a substantial proportion of the demand for 4-inch iPhone users, either because the factors of price and screen size, in short, 4-inch iPhone still has considerable market.

Second, the screen is getting bigger, this is not a real user needs. Judging from the habitual preference for one-handed control, have a lot of people prefer small screens around the big screen hold sway today, small screen still has a realistic significance.

Still a large number of users in the country still clung to under 4.5 inch screen phone, millet, the author of the Meizu Forum noted two ballot, stick with millet 2S and Meizu MX2 users the biggest reason is the screen size, the proportion of 63.7% and 56.9%, respectively.

In addition, old market, the 4.5 inch even under 4.0 inch small-screen phones are actually more popular. According to a market survey data, 61.9% domestic consumers aged over 40 are more interested in 4-inch small-screen mobile phones, like middle-aged and older consumers more than 4.7-inch screen is only 18.8%.

As early as December 4, Taiwan reported the electronic times, from the supply chain, said Apple will start in second half of 2015 launch new 4.0-inch screen of the iPhone.

Although half of 2015 is not accurate, but as of today, Apple has finally launched a 4.0-inch screen of the iPhone SE.

Apple's strategy of small-screen view to some extent, probably has some effect on the mobile phone screen size.

In fact, popular in the big-screen phone at the same time, small-screen phone market demand was the major mobile phone manufacturers to forget. In the mobile phone market to a competitive differentiation today, 3.5-4.5-inch market is surprisingly been forgotten by the market, especially the Android camp forget. Millet, Meizu, the Chinese domestic brands such as cool in the past two years have not launched a 4.5-inch screen mobile phone. Homemade 4.5-inch Android phone is creating a huge gap in the market.

In the big screen hold sway today, small screen still has a realistic significance. At a time when Apple noted that market, domestic mobile phone manufacturers will surely be noted 3.5-4.5 inch screen small screen market.

In fact, the 360 Mobile President Zhu Fanghao told a media interview said that at this stage, many manufacturers are more and bigger screens, big screen will be better than the small screen, but on the phone one hand holding experience, big-screen phone is not appropriate. Therefore, configure strong and comfortable small-screen mobile is about to return.

In fact, already such signs in the market. Sony will give each flagship is equipped with a Compact version is 4.6 inches, this version is slow down the parameters of the screen and battery size, other configurations without any reduction. According to market rumors, Meizu in preparation for the their 4.7-inch small-screen phones. In fact, Meizu Pro5 was preparing to launch a 4.7-inch mini version, however, was the project's main suppliers of TP and optoelectronics workshop damaged production ramp up to production standard takes about 2 months, and the projects have been abandoned.

According to market rumors, Samsung is preparing for the Galaxy S7 mini, Meizu has repeatedly declared he could be more perfect small-screen machine. Today hammer powder netizens asked Luo Yonghao, whether he gave the hammers can make a 4-inch "little hammer", preferably the white "white hammer". While Luo Yonghao makes it clear that: "Unfortunately, should not (hammer), because all the research data show small screen a very small proportion of the actual demand. ”

But this time, old and does not say never, then made a self-deprecating: "considering I was a famous face demons, who knows? ”

According to hammer, volume of science and technology, launched the small-screen phones may not be reality, but for others, there may be some possibility.

The posture in which came to the small-screen market, going to be a lot of questions.

IPhone time of this return to the small screen, mobile phone will set off a wave of return to the small screen. However, this reunification must not directly apples to directly return to the 4-inch, 4.6, 4.7-inch may be relatively more robust domestic mobile phone options.

Of course, this may be, there are two big problems.

First, Panel prices and supply chain issues. Small screens will bring pressure and higher supply chain costs.

Starting from mid-2014, the dominant screen sizes starting at 5.2 inches or more development, the whole industrial chain, particularly sharp LCD Panel suppliers, JDI, Samsung and LG are providing relevant products, and manufacturers to use version 5.5, 5.0-inch specifications of products is the most cost-effective approach. Just like this, when Lei was revealed on Twitter, red rice and 3 using a 5-inch screen, capacity and price are more excellent than the 4.7-inch.

Coordination of the second product line. Small-screen mobile phone to return, because LCD panels and related parts need to be custom, the price will be higher, small-screen phones will become middle-and high-end products, for a large mobile phone manufacturer to existing product lines, this will bring some challenges.

Overall, the domestic mobile phone iPhone, led by SE, will rediscover the value of small-screen market. But this kind of return, and surely will not immediately return to the liberation – right back to the 4-inch screen. Domestic mobile phone back to small screen must be gradual, tentative start. Must be one or two dare to eat the crab market vendors stood out, would lead to mass market to follow. If the manufacturer has come out of the first person to eat crabs, other manufacturers have no reason not to follow up?

面对iPhone SE,国内厂商的小屏机如何跟进? - iPhone SE,小屏幕手机,手机厂商 - IT资讯






一是iPhone 4和iPhone 5时代,苹果自己培养了一大批小屏用户,这部分用户适中坚守在小屏幕阵营,这部分用户也存在更新换代的需求,未来肯定要有小屏幕高配置的手机来满足这部分群体。

从市场调研公司Mixpanel的最新数据来看,4英寸屏幕的iPhone 5、iPhone 5s以及iPhone 5c目前还有32.22%的用户,而iPhone 6的用户比例为35.23%,两者用户数基本相当,也就是说,依然有相当比例的用户对于4英寸iPhone有需求,无论是因为价格因素还是屏幕尺寸因素,总之,4英寸iPhone依然有相当大的市场。





虽然2015年下半年的说法并不准确,但直至今日,苹果公司终于推出了4.0寸屏幕的iPhone SE。






而根据市场传闻,三星就在准备Galaxy S7 mini,魅族也连连高调宣称自己能把小屏机做得更完美。今天也有锤粉网友就此询问了罗永浩,打探锤子是否也会出4寸的“小锤子”,而且最好是白色的“小白锤”。虽然罗永浩明确指出:“很遗憾,应该不会(有小锤子)了,因为所有调研机构的数据都显示小屏的实际需求比例很小。”









总体而言,国产手机在iPhone SE的带动下,一定会重新发现小屏市场的价值。但是这种回归,也一定不会顿时回到解放前——直接回到4寸屏。国产手机回归小屏一定是逐步的、尝试性的展开。市场中一定要有一两个敢于吃螃蟹的厂商站出来,才会带来大规模的市场跟风。如果第一个吃螃蟹的厂商已经出来了,其他厂商还有什么理由不会跟进?

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