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published in(发表于) 2016/3/16 6:12:40 Edit(编辑)
Only one case of this: o 5 year old girl lost 51 genes in the body,

Only one case of this: o 5 year old girl lost 51 genes in the body,(全世界仅此一例:澳5岁女孩体内遗失51个基因,)



Only one case of this: o 5 year old girl lost 51 gene-gene, chromosome-IT information

Australia Melbourne have a 5 year old little girl, her body on the seventh chromosome 51 gene is missing, as the world's only recorded patients, since there are no other cases for reference, this disease has not yet been named.

According to reports, who lives in Melbourne's Ivy on the seventh chromosome missing 51 genes and genetic syndromes. Her mother, Pearl said, little Ivy was diagnosed at 16 months old, but there is no cure, because no one else has had the same disease around the world. "Even the search engine Google cannot tell you more about the information, nothing on the Internet. "Perle said.

It is reported that Ivy gene defect causes her spine in normal growth will eventually lead to embolization of spinal cord, resulting in delayed development and delayed language development.

According to doctors at the Royal children's Hospital, Ivy is a frequent visitor to the hospital, she has had 6 separate operation, including two in spinal surgery.

Reports that Ivy and her family will be on the 19th to participate in "unknown disease in children" (Undiagnosed Children's Awareness Day), I hope to arouse public awareness of the importance of unknown diseases of children.

全世界仅此一例:澳5岁女孩体内遗失51个基因 - 基因,染色体 - IT资讯





报道称,艾薇和她的家人将会在19日参加“儿童未知疾病日”(Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day),希望可以唤起公众对儿童未知疾病重视的意识。

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