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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:14:38 Edit(编辑)
Read 315 party WiFi can’t connect? Tell you what to do,

Read 315 party WiFi can’t connect? Tell you what to do,(看完315晚会WiFi不敢连了?告诉你应该怎么做,)



Read 315 party WiFi can't connect? Tell you what to do-WiFi, router-IT news

Thanks to CCTV, thanks to 315, with 315 evening for two consecutive years, shows how connect Wi-Fi phone is vulnerable. It is to me, a party, and I don't have money, you can change the router whose grass improved home network security, CCTV is extremely virtuous! True story! Or you can try?

What happened is this ~

When show 315 the party grab viewers on the phone ordering information and privacy when wife asks me:

How CCTV see viewers phone the order information, phone numbers? Is CCTV for their mobile phone viruses do? What Butler is installed the software on my phone, CCTV can you see a message on my cell phone?

My lovely wife is firmly put the phone in my hand, for fear of CCTV TV screen access to her private information. And I know the router's opportunity came. Two questions I asked the wife, put her on the road.

Think carefully, who choose good movies mobile seat, sent to the tickets on the server?

Is a micro-film, 50 percent in the afternoon! Wife showing off shook his cell phone. Wrong! Is a router! All information on the mobile phone are sent through a router to the Internet, the router is like a postman, letter to micro-film you send out! Reservations for micro-films will give back to your letter. Oh! Daughter-in-law seems to realize.

So, who is handling your order, packaged to the East for the address and telephone number?

Is a router! Daughter-in-law still lost in thought, I had to answer.

When you put the cell phone or other device when connected to the router can connect to the Internet, all network communication is done through it. That is, in fact, know you browse each page of the router, each submitted a password. Router will not take the initiative to analyze these sites, passwords are. However, with all of the devices in a network environment, all sensitive information that can monitor these through the router, which is why 315 evening, audience mobile phone photos, order information may be intercepted because-they are routers that connect the CCTV.

Once the bad guys, and when you are in the same network, he can do whatever they want to steal your privacy and intercept your password, find your browsing habits and even put a fake website that contains a variety of Trojan horse, trap, disguised as you go to the Web site, deploy a bigger steal, attack plan. And when the bad guys do when you still enter as usual Web site, running the App downloaded from official sources, believe that their Internet access, use the App used to good security, didn't realize the danger has occurred.

That I am not connect CCTV or other router, go out only with 4G network, go home and use my own router, only you and I on the same router, isn't it just fine?

Brides get free privacy risk public routers. It is not! Home wireless router as long as plugged in, will be 24 hours the network signal is spread out. All can receive the signal of the device, as long as you entered the correct password, you can connect to the router.

That's great, our network signal is not good, on my cell phone out of their homes even without Wi-Fi at home, this can worry.

You can put wireless network signal, understood as the human voice, give a shout in the open Valley, because there are no walls to block the sound travels farther than in the room. Even in the room, although the majority of hearing people cannot hear your conversation sound, but the rug like Tony Leung Chiu-Wai plays the tuner in the movies, people who are particularly good hearing.

A wireless router is the same, when most of the equipment for distance or block its signals cannot be received, some high power card can easily pass through a few walls, even a few miles clearly receives its signals. And such a network card in Zhongguancun, Shenzhen huaqiang North, in Taobao, you can easily buy, but only dozens of Yuan. If combined with directional antennas, you stand at the window and eyesight and all buildings are likely to receive your home wireless network signal.

Wi-Fi signal from wall to block diagram

Even if power adapter is able to receive our signal home router password is!

Receive your signals is the first step, and then they can crack the password for your wireless network.

Almost all wireless routers, all have a WPS button, when friends come to visit at home, or buy a new device, home wireless network you want to connect, simply press the WPS button on the router, then this needs to press the WPS button on the networking equipment, we will need to enter the wireless network name and password to directly connect to the router network. The principle is that the router pre-build an 8-bit random number PIN code, whether it is done by pressing the button on the router to match the process, or directly enter the 8-digit PIN code, without WPS feature allows you to enter password to directly connect to the wireless network. This is convenient for the user functions, has not be known by the user, and hardly anyone enjoyed this convenient online service also hides a huge security risk.

In most of the router's settings, whatever the user wants it or not, of the WPS feature is turned on by default. Although the user can see the switch in the settings page, but the router WPS acronym and full name of Wi-Fi Protected Setup and is not stated, because most users don't understand skip.

Though is the number of 8-bit combinations of authentication mechanisms will be the 8-PIN code into the first half 4-yard second half and 4 yards. 4 If the error before, the router will return an error message, that is, we just need to follow 0000 right? 0001 right? 0002 right? This way ask, up to 10,000 times, you can ask the first 4 digits. If there is no error message, it means 4 code is correct before, you can try 4 yards. 4 yards more simple, because the last one is a check code, generated by the front 7 digital, so in fact only 3 numbers to try a total of 1000 combinations.

Which should be as high as 100 million sets of password combinations, reduced to just over 11000 group, dramatically reducing the time needed to crack. Some can be easily downloaded over the network to the PIN-code-cracking software, in a short minutes long but more than 10 hours of time, by exhaustion method each to worked out the correct PIN code required for network network name and password. That is, regardless of you of Wi-Fi password set have has more complex, has more good of regularly replaced router password of habits, but as long as WPS function is open of, on is equal to has has two group can connection router of password, a group is originally of complex password, a group is 8 bit digital password, cracked this group digital password completely no technology content, tool are is ready-made of, pupils are can easily started using.

Therefore, you must turn off the router WPS function, and change your password. Conditions, it is best to replace the router with the manufacturers produced the latest models, most of these new routers for network attack prevention measures.

That router has the WPS feature is turned off is not safe yet?

It is not! Remember, if you turn off the Wi-Fi switch on the phone, mobile phone connection to the router will disconnect. When you turn on the Wi-Fi switch again, phone and the router to connect automatically without the need to enter the password again. Right? But this seemingly normal processes, hidden safety risks. When your wireless devices such as mobile phones, computers, when connected to your router. People with ulterior motives by another can also be easily downloaded to existing tools on your routers flood came in a short time a network request that "hit dizzy" your router, stopped all work to disconnect already connected device and the router.

Cell phones, for example, when the phone is disconnected from the network when found, will again request a connection to the router, then router between the mobile phone and will have four encrypted dialogue to confirm identity, found after is has been connecting qualified equipment will release, allows the device to connect to the router. But the router between the mobile phone and chat information will be captured into a handshake packet file. Run through some crack handshake packet software computers, it can be worked out the real password.

Cracking time depends on password complexity, crack the password to mount a dictionary and computer's GPU computing power. If your wireless password is your phone number, that can almost be second break. If your wireless password or your password is the same, and this site has ever been "dragging", was made into the whole Web site passwords stored in the dictionary file, even if your password is complex and can also be cracked in a short time. Even if your password is not a simple password, nor be used to register, but if this crack shake hands with packets of computer is powerful enough, even distributed computing by multiple computers at the same time, crack your router password is only a matter of time.

For this hack, we are really a safe response. But if we set the router password is long enough and complex enough, no logical connection between the alphanumeric password, and is the only password not common with other network services, will greatly increase the difficulty of cracking and time, perhaps before the bad guys break out, they have given up and turned to the next target.

In addition, we can turn off the feature that automatically assigns IP addresses for the new device and the connected device's IP address and the MAC address of the device is bound. IP addresses are equivalent to numbers, MAC addresses are equivalent to the device ID, if we number and ID binding, reduced the literally anyone can check the numbers, risk of masquerading as a legal residents. All numbers have been issued to legal residents, because no number of new code could not stay in, so that you will be more secure.

In addition, most new routers offer a mobile client, you can always monitor the router's operating status and networking devices, where network traffic anomalies, new equipment added, or when a device is not turned on, when he now has networking list, we will respond quickly.

If you get a new router, off the WPS feature, open MAC address binding, sets a complex diamond password, is it safe?

Supposedly has so carefully, the router should already be safe. But if a connection of your router's family members or friends, similar Wi-Fi key software is installed on the phone, and did not carefully review the software tips click on use, that your password may have already been shared cloud server for all to use. Or their mobile phones to do jailbreak, Root software can get greater control of the operation, also pose a threat to network security in your family.

Therefore, not only to their own good habits, and to forward this post to your friends and family, so that they understand the method of network security knowledge. In addition, some of the latest router has a "guest network" function, you can set a separate network password for a visiting friend. This password will expire within a certain period not only, but also isolated from the network members, effectively reducing the harm due to password leaks.

After reading the article of Balla Balla you will be in for a surprise, me, routers is a unsafe goods, whole infernal in my home "undercover", no I have to return to the era of cable (phone no network interface). Oh, with all that said, actually only alerts you to security awareness, say no more, I bought a new router.

看完315晚会WiFi不敢连了?告诉你应该怎么做 - WiFi,路由器 - IT资讯





















在大部分路由器的设置里,不管用户需要与否,WPS功能都是默认打开的。尽管用户在设置页面里可以看到这个开关,但路由器对于WPS的缩写和Wi-Fi Protected Setup的全称并没有加以说明,大部分用户因为看不懂而直接跳过。















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