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published in(发表于) 2016/8/4 0:56:39 Edit(编辑)
Delisting stocks boom, is the natural market,

Delisting stocks boom, is the natural market,(中概股退市潮,是市场自然规律,)



Delisting stocks boom, is the natural market-share in privatized-IT information

[15% of NASDAQ-listed companies are United States companies outside Asia-Pacific region is the NASDAQ except United States company's most important market outside. ]

[In 2014, there are 16 Chinese companies listed in the United States in 2015, 10 in 2016, has in the past much, only 4, which NASDAQ 3, New York 1. There are currently 102 Chinese companies listed on NASDAQ, Israel in second place. ]

China was listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ each entrepreneur's dream. However, since 2015 and more than more than 10 companies have proposed the privatization offer, so it seemed United States capital markets were losing charm?

In 2014, there are 16 Chinese companies listed in the United States in 2015, 10 in 2016, has in the past much, only 4, which NASDAQ 3, New York 1. Moreover, compared to China, United States and sluggish IPO market this year. Therefore, NASDAQ is not thought. Its Senior Vice President, Asia-Pacific President mccooey (RobertH.McCooey,Jr. ) Told the newspaper in an interview, said the NASDAQ-900 do not wait for the listed companies in the Chinese market.

"In fact we never persuaded are already listed on the local Exchange Company, and concluded that they had made the wrong choice. "Mccooey said," because for most companies, they should be listed on the local stock exchange, so that they can get more help and attention, especially when they are closely related to business and local time. But there are a few companies want to move in the direction of globalization and expanding territory, when a company decides to do so when we believe that NASDAQ is the best choice. ”

Right now in NASDAQ-listed companies have quite a success story. The NASDAQ 100 index has four Chinese companies: NetEase, Baidu and ctrip and East of Beijing, in the NASDAQ 100 index is a very important component of.

Earlier this year, China has for the first time two biotechnology companies Baekje in China (BeiGene) and Hong Kong's Hutchison China medical technologies (HutchisonChinaMeditech) on the NASDAQ.

"China is still a huge opportunity," mccooey said, "when we have the resources to support these companies are listed and, when the time is right, given the opportunity, will be more active in this market. Second half of the year by 2017, there will be more Chinese enterprises to seek in the United States market, we want them to choose for the NASDAQ. ”

15% of NASDAQ-listed companies are United States companies outside Asia-Pacific region is the NASDAQ except United States company's most important market outside. And this one with China as the biggest market, there are 102 Chinese companies listed on NASDAQ, Israel in second place. Moreover, starting from about ten years ago, NASDAQ has grown from a simple business listing, developed to provide technical services for brokers, to provide distribution services. At the business level, creating investor relations business, press releases, webcasts and Conference calls. 2013 NASDAQ's acquisition of Thomson Reuters (ThomsonReuters) part of the business, now has 18,000 enterprise customers. NASDAQ was still in Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul and Singapore offices.

Unit since last year in the United States market wave of delisting. Mccooey considers listing and delisting are part of the market.

"In the United States companies, and occasionally private equity companies privatized, they may be controlled by larger companies," mccooey said, "sometimes they choose to split into several other areas of business, using some of the tools listed on NASDAQ, such as Rupert Murdoch's News Corp into 21st Century Fox and News Corporation. I think these financial transactions are part of the global nature of the market economy. For some companies from the United States withdrawal, back in China, is that these companies are trying to create financial opportunities for yourself, it is difficult to assess what is good or bad. ”

The delisting will want in the future to United States-listed Chinese companies adversely affected? Mccooey believe that privatization is the reasons for delisting, they even paid a higher price, which is part of the natural laws of the market.

Mccooey listed Chinese companies on the NASDAQ continued very objective in the future. In fact, coincided with the first financial daily in an interview the day China loans limited (ChinaLendingCorporation) on the NASDAQ.

"In the United States market of concern will be higher. Will have an additional opportunity to tell their story. These companies from Western China. "Mccooey said," more recently in Liaoning enterprises to get listed, this is the first time the NASDAQ-listed company, we are very excited. We believe that more companies will follow in their footsteps. ”

中概股退市潮,是市场自然规律 - 中概股,私有化 - IT资讯















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