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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:14:15 Edit(编辑)
On hungry people’s daily it was 315 exposure: could not be “one size fits all“

On hungry people’s daily it was 315 exposure: could not be “one size fits all“(人民日报谈饿了么被315曝光:不能搞“一刀切”,)



On hungry people′s daily it was 315 exposure: could not be "one size fits all"-315, hungry-IT information

After development the problems exposed, should not simply to "badmouth" or even "catch-all" prohibition, but rather as an opportunity to improve and upgrade

CCTV this year "staged" party, exposed the network reservation platform "hungry". Food production site "sewers" Chef "taste the finished dish thrown in pot" platform boot merchant fictitious address, false propaganda, even unlicensed black workshop settled by default ... ... Although the food and drug administration in Beijing in the programme just broadcast to investigate the "hungry" five stores in one food processing sites, interviewed by the Shanghai food and Drug Administration is "hungry" officials, but young and ridicule of customary takeout, feeling "like eating a fly."

"The Internet +" brought great changes to our lives, from online shopping to mobile phones ordering food, clothing, has been the network change. However, the "hungry" also revealed that"savage" to avoid accumulation of various contradictions and problems, "blowout" could be behind that pays top academics, and bad quality of consumption . "Hungry" is, but in the "digital lifestyle" trend, not built up a sound market order in a timely manner, would lead to bad money drives out good money, as well as issues affecting industry development and reduce the welfare of the public.

"The Internet +" concept means that Internet collocation with other industries can have a multiplier effect, to further enhance the value. Web ordering service, for example, orders from consumers to food production and distribution, involves many subjects, far from being a software so simple. We are a restaurant, a site how tubes are good at, but a network platform connects numerous restaurants, building up a large system, how can this tube, may lack some experience. "The Internet +" era, will generate many new topics of social governance.

As with the network about car rental services, how to access, how to regulate network food consumption, will become a long time concern, challenging problems. For the new format, it is necessary to avoid "a pipe die", and too thin, too specific, stifle the industry′s vitality; to avoid "chaos" for not keeping up with, let speculators profit and consumer interests. It really tests the patience of management wisdom of macro-and micro- .

From a regulatory perspective, necessary to define better the relationship between selling platform and access to food and beverage businesses, provides better responsibility, rights and benefit of the subject . What responsibility platform which responsibility, restaurants, who should control what kind of problems occur, "whose doll who walk away." While increasing market inspection system, the construction of the market system, offline set up sound market order. Brewing for a long time, the upcoming network food sale measures on the supervision and obligation to do a clear statement of the network platform; in some provinces and cities have done a number of management innovation, including the introduction of platform submission to regulatory systems, and so on, are trying to outline clearly the responsibility framework.

For each online reservation platforms, should also have more self-discipline . Internet economy competitive, fast upgrades, however, "only quality is not broken". Chinese consumers will certainly walk fast cheap stage, into the "quality time". Either stick to the scrutiny of the bottom line, or a live video monitoring, such as increased transparency, networking platforms obviously has a lot of work to do--in the eyes of not only greater, greater share. No quality and reputation protection, loss of market share and is "minute" matter.

Regardless of online ordering, or other Web-based services, and after phased development the problems exposed, should not simply to "badmouth" or even "catch-all" ban, but should be seen as an opportunity to improve and upgrade. Community is no small matter, such treatment, the surface is the Internet platform, but the essence is the management of public life, can be said to be another "people′s livelihood". The supervision of government departments must be to reform and help the heart of ambition, and strive to achieve innovative upgrade.

人民日报谈饿了么被315曝光:不能搞“一刀切” - 315,饿了么 - IT资讯









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