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published in(发表于) 2016/8/15 14:06:17 Edit(编辑)
Downloaded woman barber shop App: mobile phone traffic charges by deduction of 800 Yuan,

Downloaded woman barber shop App: mobile phone traffic charges by deduction of 800 Yuan,(女子下载理发店App:手机突然被扣800元流量费,)



Downloaded woman barber shop App: mobile phone-by deduction of 800 Yuan flow flow, mobile-IT information

Do not use the Internet, Mrs Meng, was suddenly told that he used a flow of up to 800 Yuan, this sky-high traffic come from? Consumer reporter interviews a panel of judges, Mrs Meng vaguely remembered, in this huge traffic flow when his mobile phone had been handed over to strangers, was a Barber's shop, download an App.

Reporters found that many practices of the business sector to download App in Exchange for gift little resistance to Ms Meng's experience, then give everyone a heads up.

Shock: phone 800 traffic charges

"You is the phone number of the user? "Last month, Mrs Meng working in Nanjing suddenly received a call from a mobile operator customer service, staff on the phone asking Mrs Meng, lately often surf the Internet.

To address this problem, Mrs Meng was odd, because her phone was done in Anhui, in Nanjing, remote Internet access fees are high, and therefore she does not how to use the mobile Internet. Then customer service told her, took her by surprise.

Mrs Meng consumer jury told reporters, staff told her that monitoring her the Bill produced a flow of up to 800 yuan in one day, because usually the Internet habits of customers is slightly different, so in order to see if it is the user's own, call this number for confirmation.

Memory: has let strangers have App

After receiving telephone carriers, began to reminisce about their mobile phone usage were made by Bangladesh. She suddenly remembered that at this time, a huge flow of time he has ever been to Nanjing Pukou district a barber shop.

Meng said that a few days ago, she saw a friend in my circle of friends forwarded message saying, Pukou, a Barber is to organise activities, as long as they are to consumers, praised for their activities as and when required and forwards, you can receive rich gifts.

Thought this store was at the door, Mrs Meng decided to come to this beauty salon store to participate in activities. After entering the store, she required after forwarding information and praise, the clerk told her, if you want to receive gifts, there is a final step, it is necessary to download their App store service.

"Before the download, I specifically asked if there was WiFi provided, they say no. "Mrs Meng told reporters that when she wanted to use the flow Pack download, just downloaded screenshot to share to your circle of friends, you can immediately pick up. Bangladesh would have been promised, and download the cell phone to the clerk for help, not only to, this, there have been "astronomical cost."

In the impression of Mrs Meng, was a long time to download. She also asked why so long to download, the other is in answer to "fast good, fast good."

Question: why the next App flow is so high

Facing the huge traffic that appears, Mrs Meng has recalled feeling incredible. She said, when the Barber's shop with her said, download the App how much traffic, just took away her cell phone operations.

She said with fear, but for the mobile phone customer service call her phone, she didn't know so much money will be deducted. She suspected was the barber shop staff caused by the improper operation of the huge cost.

Press enquiries:

Barber: the App is very small, I do not know which to price traffic

In Bangladesh women issued by the mobile phone displayed in detail, Mrs Meng mobile of the day within two hours of consuming a total of nearly 3G of the traffic, which, according to Mrs Meng says, this time she and Pukou district in this barbershop phone.

Yesterday afternoon, a reporter came to the barber shop, the clerk said, there is this thing, but each of the clerks in the store are downloaded this App store, no one has consumed so much traffic. Staff stressed that there is WiFi in their day, when reporters asked which employees are helped Mrs Meng download App, the clerk said "don't know".

In order to further clarify the facts, journalists traveled and head of the shop of a Wu to get in touch. Reporters interviewed each other made it clear, this astronomical flow loss they should not have to carry. Reason a, Meng ladies of download behavior is for voluntary, and non-forced; II is, they recommended Meng ladies download of this stores App of size only 48.5MB, in he seems, not produced so huge of consumption; and in activities during, clerk has obligations help guest download App, but except Meng ladies outside, no similar situation occurred, description businesses of operation is right of.

"They just dodge their responsibilities. "Mrs Meng told reporters that when she knows the huge flow of questions, first went to the beauty salon store inquiries, was responsible for the store said that as long as she took the Bill to, it will give her compensation.

To this end, the ladies specially found the family of Anhui Telecom hit the phone bill, and send it to Nanjing. Shown on your Bill, Mrs Meng mobile consumed nearly 3G in two hours traffic. But when she came to the store again, merchants insisted that stores compensation responsibilities.

"Mobile phones in their hands, and for a long time to download, this responsibility how to push out such a thing? "Bangladesh woman said indignantly.

Experts advise:

Many software problems, don't download

"Mobile phone can not be easily downloaded are not familiar with the software, because some of the software that quietly suck the Golden. "Mrs engaged in mobile software development (not his real name) said that under normal circumstances, some mobile phone users will pay for small gifts, take the initiative to hand over the phone to download the App, it risks a lot.

In addition, Liu said, mobile phones in the course of Internet, there are a lot of mobile advertising, frequent push messages, these will make the phone appear difficult to control the flow of costs, is known as the "junk traffic". He said that some embedded advertising applications can cost the user 300-500k flow per hour and consumes users did not know of these flows. Typically, software and applications installed in the phone, the more and faster traffic consumption.

How to prevent the flow of inexplicable loss, fell into huge traffic trap? Liu warned that for example taxi online, online maps, online reviews, you need to obtain location information of software and App app store sent messages such as, social software, usually run automatically with the phone powered on in the background, constantly updated data push advertising. Recommends that users not to use their features, closed in the background. In addition, he recommends users, phones sets software flow overrun reminded, when the limit is exceeded, mobile phones can automatically terminate Internet access.

Public review

No longer dare to others mobile phones

Wu Pai (the public): my phone often appear inexplicable increase in traffic situations, Mrs Meng after the encounter, the first feeling is fear. Because in daily in the, regardless of to see movie also is to dinner, in people more of place, often on will was requirements I download various different of App, despite not know Xia of this App has what role, but resistance not full of small gift, often on will casually surrendered phone, sometimes wants to first download, yihou by deleting off on can has, absolutely didn't thought, this inside also will hid with risk. After never so easily to others cell phone, lose a not worth it.

Mediation failed to judicial proceedings

Pukou market administration staff: from the investigation of the situation, Mrs Meng operates in order to easily submit your cell phone gifts to strangers, apparently lack the sense of self-protection, unknown stranger taking phones use case, which is obviously sloppy losses than gains.

As the manufacturer, interactive advertising is designed to appeal to consumers, provide gifts to increase tourist is a win-win thing, but businesses have an obligation to inform guests in advance matters needing attention in the activity, in addition, the staff member shall guide guests through the process, rather than take unnecessary disputes, have a negative impact. In mediation, as the difference between the larger mediation without success, they suggested she can solve this issue by means of judicial proceedings.

Find technical departments involved in gathering evidence to prosecute businesses

Cao Yihuai (Beijing Branch (Nanjing) Director of the law firm lawyers): in a 2-hour period, there has been a huge traffic, it must be a problem. Ms from Meng's statement, in the course of this, the cell phone is a clerk for help operations, legal relations, the clerk is doing delegate behavior of consumers. Some huge costs, the clerk there are two possibilities. A normal downloaded, but because of mistakes made huge traffic; the second is the clerk malicious action, download other software. Both businesses should bear the losses suffered by consumers. He suggested that Mrs Meng, in the case of mediation may be entrusted with technical departments related to evidence collection, confirm that in that time period, the clerk actually download what, if there is download malicious behavior, businesses must not only bear the loss, must also be compensated.

女子下载理发店App:手机突然被扣800元流量费 - 流量,手机流量 - IT资讯





































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