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published in(发表于) 2016/3/16 6:14:06 Edit(编辑)
Wrong site is sometimes not a 404 so simple...,

Wrong site is sometimes not a 404 so simple...,(原来输错网址有时不是404这么简单…,)



Wrong site is sometimes not a 404 so simple ...-website, Jingdong, 404-IT information

Then maybe a lot of people like to put their favorite websites to bookmark next to browse, but there are a lot of people to the Web site has a good memory capacity.

For those used to directly enter the URL for users to access websites, if residual. com were. OM may find a new world ...

OM domain is located in the Arabian Peninsula along the Gulf of Oman Sultanate of country domain names, there are already a lot of hackers or any OM other groups registered domain names .

More interesting is the register OM domain groups are used to conduct phishing attacks by hackers, if residual OM will com into users hands enter the fishing page .

For example Endgame employees of foreign security firms enter were Netflix.OM, so after a few jumps into a Web site that requires Flash Player download update.

And the update of the Flash Player it is Trojan fake Flash Player Update, once users have installed the program you may cause various unexpected problems.

Endgame found apart from Netflix include YouTube.OM, LinkedIn.OM, Yahoo.OM, and Gmail.OM, and Xbox.OM, and facebookc.OM, googlec.OM, targetc.OM, and hotelsc.OM etc.

Web addresses are now has been unable to access or jump to a normal website, Endgame that these similar harmful sites is very dangerous, because it is the user′s own delivery, if you are not careful a confirm button to download or execute a program, then it is possible to place malicious programs.

The fortress site spreading adware Endgame found, if Windows users access to the Web site at best see some ads.

Funny thing is many of these domain names have been registered in China, for example, Baidu.OM jumps to Ping Lu Jin on the registration page (sponsored links), QQ.OM go to the store and the same with the rebate link.

Weibo.OM jumps to an advertising site, SINA.OM jumps to the same Ping Lu Jin on the registration page .

By querying the domain name information found Baidu.OM, QQ.Om and SINA.OM registered persons are Hassan Jaafar, don′t know if this is the same person as these domestic leaders of registered domain names.

原来输错网址有时不是404这么简单… - 网址,京东,404 - IT资讯





例如国外安全公司Endgame的员工在输入netflix.com却打成了,于是经过几次跳转后进入一个要求下载更新Flash Player的网站。

而所谓的更新Flash Player的程序则是含有木马的山寨Flash Player Update,用户一旦安装该程序则可能引发各种意想不到的问题。






通过查询域名信息发现、qq.om以及sina.om的注册人均是Hassan Jaafar,不知道这是否是同一个人注册的这些国内大佬们的域名。

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