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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/27 9:26:49 Edit(编辑)
2013 nine radical innovation of science and technology

2013 nine radical innovation of science and technology (chart)(2013年科技行业九大突破性创新(图),)

2013 tech nine radical innovation (map)-innovation, LAPTOP-IT information 2013 tech nine radical innovation (map)

Good equipment or technologies with the industry-changing innovations equipment or technology is there's a big difference, the latter can redefine an existing product categories, or build an entirely new product category, it would also force other companies to follow suit, whether homegrown or shamelessly copy, anyway, must launch its own similar products. These two points is the first LAPTOP selection change industry innovation award (Game Changer Awards) are important sources, awards, judging by the results, innovation award this year mainly in the mobile arena.

From the first public smart watch to two head-mounted display devices, an important theme running through these winners is wearable technology. Meanwhile, imaging technology breakthrough and the first true voice-control technology also makes the Smartphone industry has undergone tremendous changes.

Is elected by the LAPTOP on the 2013 list of nine major change Innovation Awards:

Camera: Nokia Lumia1020

Lumia 1020 is equipped with a 41 million pixel sensor, shoot after shots, pictures can also be magnified many times. It is Smartphone photographic history of one of the biggest advances in technology, people used to think through larger lens to improve picture quality, but Nokia's engineers are the fact that as long as a larger sensor will be able to achieve the same purpose.

Tablet: Amazon Kindle Fire HDX

In this Tablet Shang, Mayday button Amazon improved technical support again. Apple "genius bar" (Genius Bars), but Amazon technical support delivered directly to your home. Kindle Fire HDX Mayday button is pressed within 15 seconds the settings menu, you can video chat access to the year-round and free technical support services.

Game consoles: Oculus Rift

This is surprising, helmets can give you an immersive virtual reality games. Over the past 20 years, virtual reality development paths are always stumbling, virtual reality products are scarce and very expensive, mostly still stuck on a conceptual level. August 2012 through Kickstarter to raise project finance and the Oculus Rift started bringing virtual reality to the consumers for the first time in real life.

Wearable technology: Google goggles

Google goggles is a ground-breaking innovative wearable technology products, it offers pictures for voice and text conversion, provision of air navigation services, and many other features. Wearable technology is expected to be an explosive growth in the coming years, while devices like Google goggles is one of the leader, soon you will see lots of Google goggles shopping with people on the street. In fact, it is this products are ignited public interest in wearable technology.

PC peripherals: Leap Motion

Leap Motion to be able to read your gestures, from playing games to explore the universe, it supports. First, the mouse, then the touchpad and touch screen, now Leap Motion once again change the way people interact with PC, Leap Motion controller connected to the computer via USB interface, one has only to win the wave my hand, will be able to operate a computer to complete a variety of tasks.

Carrier: t-mobile

T-mobile first to open the contract limit, cell phones can be easily upgraded, triggering an earthquake throughout the wireless industry. United States wireless market is fragmented, t-mobile has saved it, at least it made "operator" (Uncarrier) plan is really think like that. This plan has made the wireless industry changed dramatically for consumers on how to buy smart phones, waited to upgrade and to which countries use their mobile phone has had a huge impact.

Smart Watch: Pebble

Pebble by a piece of electronic paper display, useful applications and low prices have conquered consumers smart watch into the mainstream market. It appears, notification, alarm clock, text messages and cell phones from the pockets of consumers shifted to the wrist on a Smartphone. Although it is not at all like other smart watch to be able to run the whole application, but it is the most innovative in its simplicity, it does not want to simulate or the Smartphone experience, but rather enhance the Smartphone experience.

Application: Vine

6 seconds, is a 1989 Ferrari Testarossa Coupe from a stationary state the time required to accelerate to 60 miles per hour, a hummingbird wings 180 times the desired time, the time required for a Cheetah run 100 yards, as well as free Smartphone Vine length set of video communications. In this 6-second video, users can record, edit and share moments in their lives on social networking sites.

Technology: Intel's Bay Trail

This powerful and efficient Intel CPU combo of Tablet PCs and laptops run faster, battery life is longer. ASUS Transformer Book T100 is the new products with the Bay Trail new Intel platform, one of the Bay Trail and fourth processor daikurui series processors with a 22 nm process technology production, productivity, media players, and casual games can be provided a powerful impetus.


2013年科技行业九大突破性创新(图) - 创新,LAPTOP - IT资讯

好的设备或技术与改变整个行业的创新设备或技术是有很大区别的,后者可以重新定义某个现有的产品类别或是构建一个全新的产品类别,它还会迫使其他公司跟风,不管是自行开发还是无耻地复制,反正都必须推出自己的同类产品。以上两点就是LAPTOP评选首届改变行业创新大奖(Game Changer Awards)的重要依据,从评奖结果来看,今年的创新大奖主要集中在移动领域。




Lumia 1020配备了一款4100万像素的感应器,拍完照之后,还可以将照片放大很多倍来看。它是智能手机照相技术发展史上最大的一次进步,以前人们总想着通过配备更大的镜头来提高照相品质,但是诺基亚的工程师们却用事实说明,只要一款更大的感应器就能实现相同的目的了。

平板电脑:亚马逊Kindle Fire HDX

在这款平板电脑上,亚马逊利用Mayday按钮重新改善了技术支持。苹果有“天才吧”(Genius Bars),但是亚马逊却将技术支持直接送到了你的家中。在Kindle Fire HDX的设置菜单中按下Mayday按钮15秒,你就能通过视频聊天获得全年无休且免费的技术支持服务。

游戏设备:Oculus Rift

这款令人惊讶不已的虚拟现实游戏头盔可以给你身临其境的感觉。在过去的20年里,虚拟现实技术的发展道路总是磕磕绊绊的,虚拟现实产品不但稀少而且价格昂贵,主要还停留着概念层面上。2012年8月通过Kickstarter众筹项目获得融资并起家的Oculus Rift第一次将虚拟现实带到了消费者的现实生活之中。



PC周边设备:Leap Motion

Leap Motion可以读懂你的手势,从玩游戏到探索宇宙,它都支持。先是鼠标,然后是触摸板和触摸屏,现在Leap Motion再一次改变了人们与PC互动的方式,Leap Motion控制器通过USB接口与电脑相连,人们只需潇洒地挥一挥手,就能操作电脑完成各种任务。







技术:英特尔Bay Trail

英特尔这款强大而高效的CPU让二合一平板电脑和笔记本电脑的运行速度更快,电池续航时间更长。华硕Transformer Book T100就是采用了英特尔Bay Trail新平台的新产品之一,Bay Trail处理器与第四代酷睿系列处理器一样采用了22纳米制程工艺生产,可为生产力、媒体播放和休闲游戏提供强大动力。


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