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published in(发表于) 2016/4/10 8:07:20 Edit(编辑)
12306 website tips certificate do? ,

12306 website tips certificate do? ,(12306网站提示证书错误怎么办?,)



12306 website tips certificate do? Certificate error-12306 website prompted to do, 12306, train ticket-IT information

A Netizen recently reflected, open 12306 website found that their HTTPS page is a red line, and prompt the security certificate error, access is a security risk.

It is understood that the current 12306 website's certificate, except those paid links, is the issue of not using the well-known CA certificate, most browsers do not trust distribution 12306 certification authority, so you want to install "root certificate".

How to install a root certificate, 12306 website also provides detailed tutorials, friends can refer to the settlement similar to the problem encountered.

First, 12306 Web site home page provides download links for root certificates, certificate according to the following steps to install after download.

Step one: double-click the root certificate file "srca.cer" certificate properties dialog box pops up, at which point the root certificate is not trusted, we need to add to the "trusted root certification authorities", as shown in the following figure:

Step two: click "install Certificate", pop up the Certificate Import Wizard, as shown in the following figure:

Step three: click Next, select the certificate store, as shown in the following figure:

Step four: select "place all certificates in the following store", then click Next, and select the certificate store, as shown in the following figure:

Step five: in "Select certificate store" dialog box select "trusted root certification authorities" and then click OK, you return to the Certificate Import Wizard page, as shown in the following figure:

Step six: the Certificate Import Wizard page, certificate store into a "trusted root certification authorities" and click Next

Step seven: click "Finish", will pop up with a security warning, as shown in the following figure:

Step eight: click on "Yes" and install the certificate. All operations completed at this time, successfully joined the SRCA "trusted root certification authorities". Once again, double-click "srca.cer", as shown in the following figure:

SRCA is a trusted state at this time.

12306网站提示证书错误怎么办? - 12306网站提示证书错误怎么办,12306,火车票 - IT资讯














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