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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:36:17 Edit(编辑)
Dying is not the paper book, there may be readers,

Dying is not the paper book, there may be readers,(消亡的不一定是纸质书,有可能是文字阅读,)



Dying is not the paper book, there may be text-reading paper books, Kindle, text-IT information

August 2013, I start with a Kindle, this slight touch of electronic reading devices, trick her father as a college graduation gift. The past more than two years, Kindle has been abandoned in a corner of the den, I occasionally pick up on when cleaning protector--but how many gray; but I didn't stop reading, because paper books feel even better.

Let us talk about paper books and electronic books "war", from a user experience perspective.

Carriers have a lot of eBook: computers, electronic reading devices, cell phones, flat-panel, if the sound version is also included, can count on MP3 player-style sound playback device. Each device has a paper book cannot have the advantage, but they still can't surpass paper books.

In order to facilitate, and books into electronic text, and pure sound quality classes. If we are more fine, major in pure text devices including Kindle electronic reading devices and computers, cell phones, tablets and other non-professional electronics equipment.

Why people want to read? There may be killing time, or, of course, there may be conditions, besides no other form is optional. Whether it is reading a paper book or eBook, reading's purpose was to clear.

Pure sound quality category of electronic books than text reading, serious words, e-books are not reading at all. So, this eBook out left where cool where you stay.

Computers, mobile phones, tablets and other non-professional electronics equipment, is reading the worst, I just said the worst thing: they can't make you stay focused. If the device can connect to the Internet, QQ, micro-faith, theology, theology, social software is one of the largest sources of interference; no, should each APP may become sources of interference on the phone, after all, most people will agree that its initiative to push notifications when installing the APP.

Three types of equipment in the large proportion of people use mobile phones to read e-books, because they are more convenient, anytime and anywhere. Interference factors aside, interest-oriented mobile reading e-books, genre fiction on the majority for the purpose of reading, phone reading is clearly in order to pass the time. Computers and flat-panel, slightly less convenient, less interference than mobile phones.

Kindle electronic reading device, since birth, is to challenge the status of paper books. It has massive storage, a device can be "loaded" into many eBook; it has ease of mobile, small, anytime, anywhere, and easier than paper books; it has no interference like mobile phone, allows readers to focus more; its visual experience is not worse than paper books.

However, the Kindle still can't shake the supremacy of paper books, it lost two points: the deep interactive experience of readers and writers and its "descent".

The deep interactive experience of readers and writers, this style at first glance is a little high, actually refers to the reading process understandable yet indescribable feeling. When people are reading when deep reading, thinking begins behind the level of information, "reading is the dialogue with the author", "1000 readers 1000 Hamlet", saying this kind of experience. And this experience is to study where people indulge, who created this for human experience? Paper books. From a technical perspective, it is ancient technology such as papermaking, printing contribution to reading.

I have a friend, reading must be a pen and, if there is no book, it is necessary, like when he read in the book, or the margins on book writing and painting. I ask him the habit, his answer very simply: read resonance to write memory; read do not understand where marks and write out the questions, leave imprinted in the mind of free time to think.

Ease of e-books on the device itself, but the ease of interaction than paper books, especially as my friend self interaction; computers, cell phones, flat-screen Internet access, seem to interact with users, but to interact with the outside world at the same time, increased fragmentation of the mind, destroy the ego thought system.

Kindle's "descent" is bad is that it's electronic equipment. And against the paper, transmission of electronic equipment in the existing concept. People have many reasons to believe that electronic devices of the future better than the paper, but admitted at the present stage of the paper's experience better. On reading, paper books do not have signs of extinction.

Paperback, the soil is fertile: school textbooks, students ' homework and supplementary materials. We enjoy in the education of papermaking, printing of this ancient technology to create vectors, since printed books in plays an important role in the process of acquiring knowledge, what reason do we have to convince myself after leaving school can immediately throw away paper books, to embrace the e-book? Paper text book reading experience is reading on ebook readers trying to breakthrough.

So here's the thing, destroy the paper book "to foil the second" what can it be? The answer is technology, this technique is not tinkering on paper, electronic devices, instead of creating a new reading experience. After this experience becomes a tipping point, and gradually covered in learning, work and life situations, the text will be reading impact, paperback history will also be counting down .

Listening to up somewhat empty, may this technology will brings such of reading scene: in future, dang you began reading Shi, you will took up a Taiwan virtual reality equipment, has artificial intelligence introduction to you into to private custom of reading space, this reading space convenient you check out reading records, also convenient you at any time records thinking process; it of reading experience colorful, and can let you not was disturb, and keep focused.

Forgive my imagination is not rich enough, this reading seems not to have a special place. But I want to express the meaning, when new technologies when creating new experience interesting enough, just reading the experience it more attractive so that readers accustomed to being "forgotten", the demise of the paper book predicts will begin to come to pass.

消亡的不一定是纸质书,有可能是文字阅读 - 纸质书,Kindle,文字 - IT资讯



















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