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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/10 7:25:34 Edit(编辑)
True love: the husband had no money for iPhone6, wife actively stealing him

True love: the husband had no money for iPhone6, wife actively stealing him

True love: the husband had no money for iPhone6, wife actively stealing him-iPhone6, theft-IT information

Small pair, people in Guizhou province, more than 20 years old, this year she and her husband Luke arrived at Dongyang work.

Miss a KTV accompanying her in urban areas, little Luke is a auto detailing shop in North Street.

Looking at customer's deal or no deal not so generous with side sisters are also staffing a iPhone6, consider themselves one or the iPhone4, the husband also haven't iPhone6, she began unbalanced.

May 10 at 9 o'clock, small pair and several other sisters in the KTV boxes, drinking, singing, because guests don't let them play, they had to be unified on the box for phone song on the computer desk.

During this period, small pair has been distracted. Later, she sees little sister on the computer desk in Golden iPhone6, started a crooked mind.

When we go to the dance with her when no one was looking, went to put on the table the iPhone6 away, hidden in the toilet boxes bathroom, then calmly continued to dance.

Later the little sisters phone lost, anxious, looking, small pair also pretended to help find, later, smaller sister to the police.

Late in the day, small pair to rented accommodation, iPhone6 show it to her husband, saying, "this is what I picked up, you take it and use it! ”

On June 5, police traced to the small hands of Luke the phone that night, small pair arrested.

A few days ago, small pair of Dongyang City Public Security Bureau on suspicion of theft under criminal detention.

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