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published in(发表于) 2016/3/7 13:51:04 Edit(编辑)
Leijundazan Japan rice cooker, first electric rice cookers for young people coming? ,

Leijundazan Japan rice cooker, first electric rice cookers for young people coming? ,(雷军大赞日本电饭煲,年轻人的第一台电饭煲要来?,)



Leijundazan Japan rice cooker, first electric rice cookers for young people coming? -Rice cookers, Lei-IT information

In two meetings this year, Lei will undoubtedly become one of the industry's most closely watched national people's Congress, which is not in yesterday's discussion, he also spoke of Japan rice cooker, and caused the netizens buzz.

Lei said earlier could not understand people buy Japan rice cooker, but then after a study found that Japan rice cooker do very well indeed. He believes that, on the whole, the current Japan technology does far more than the level of the rice cooker.

Lei explained that Japan rice cooker first using IH electric heating technology, direct heating of the metal tank, realized on the whole tank around heating, heated more evenly. Metal liner, heat conductivity is very high. Then is pressurized, pressure meters soft waxy sweet. Make rice in the rice cooker and dance, which would be growth in rice taste and nutrition. Knowledge, Lei will understand why people had blind faith in foreign products.

These statements against Lei, friends joked, it seems that first electric rice cookers for young people about to be born. Millet has now launched a television, water purifiers, air purifiers and other household items, rice cookers will also be introduced in the future, I can't say.

雷军大赞日本电饭煲,年轻人的第一台电饭煲要来? - 电饭煲,雷军 - IT资讯





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