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published in(发表于) 2016/4/26 8:36:26 Edit(编辑)
Behind the proliferation of Internet porn live: netizens are too dirty,

Behind the proliferation of Internet porn live: netizens are too dirty,(网络色情直播泛滥的背后:网友太污,)



Behind the proliferation of Internet porn live: friends too dirt-webcast, anchor-IT information

Webcast has been a hot topic, because of its low threshold and high incomes, and led to the enchantment on the live site now. But in the broadcast industry have a very different type of force, that is woman. They are not the strongest Kings of consciousness, maybe 30 minutes playing out a infinity blade, but their income is quite considerable.

From third-party data, and mega number China female anchor, and is rapidly growing. Just paste it or forums of their own personal information, coupled with a photo, if pretty good, will soon get all kinds of live agent invitation. The other hand, the broadcast industry is full of a lot of pornographic and vulgar content. Adrenaline and hormones to stimulate the audience from various angles. State issued a reorganization of the webcast platform more than once, the most recent one is to require a woman topless 1 shall not exceed 3 per cent.

In crab King, in fact, such a reorganization of little significance. Now this hot porn live reason comes from the awareness of the people of at the stage of a very hazy, and porn live just gives them one from under the oppression of free channels. The unique characteristics of this segment of the population is a large population base, strong curiosity about things. One day, however, these people are lost from the sex live fresh. Crab King wanted to know when sex live leave after this demographic dividend, and whether there is any reason to continue.

According to a research report of China Securities, starting in 2015, 12 billion of market size, 2020 broadcast industry market size could reach 106 billion. Also reveals the broadcast industry's current popularity. This scale also allow more people to join the ranks of broadcast, competition will be more fierce. Like the mobile phone market, Samsung's position will still be first in the world, but other manufacturers to join, such as Apple, Huawei will carve up Samsung's segment of the market, reducing Samsung's share of the market.

Porn live after all is a kind of prostitution. They live where. Crab, you just hope they don't affect those 90, 00 or even the teenagers after 10. They are the flowers of the country should not become porn consumers and victims of the broadcast industry.

网络色情直播泛滥的背后:网友太污 - 网络直播,女主播 - IT资讯






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