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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/6 7:30:27 Edit(编辑)
Conversation Twitter founder

Conversation Twitter founder

Conversation Twitter founders: pensive, quiet, handsome-Twitter, Twitter-IT information

You probably know that Twitter, which only fly freely around the world, "little Blue Bird", with only 140 characters changed one way to communicate with the world and let dry without influence of the users have a possibility of involvement of the profession in large coffee round table discussion.

You may also know that Square, this cute cute cube mobile card reader, it makes each artisan can be pain-free money, not because there is no credit card, and cruelly reject buyers.

But what you may not know create their Jack Dorsey (Jack Dorsey), stars of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, is a very funny man.

(Above, I give Jack painting acrylic portraits)

Low profile Jack is a handsome detail control

My senior year, and Princeton entrepreneurship Club a group of more than 10 people walk on Market Street in San Francisco, feeling like white cotton candy stuck in the blue sky. Think of going to see handsome and modest gods of Silicon Valley Jack Dorsey, was filled with excitement and anticipation.

Mobile payment newcomer Square headquarters is near the Twitter social media giants, on Market Street, and Jack are both "Unicorn," the company's founder, and its value is self-evident. The Square, a woman received us, when she let us use the iPad when filling out visitor records and electronic signatures, and I felt a real eye-opener, "this is too high to force Silicon Valley technology companies really advanced. ”

When we got to the room and found Jack was already waiting for us, he was wearing a light blue shirt with a Navy blue sweater, blue eyes, hands folded ten fingers white long conference room Scrubs sitting upright in one end of the table, with eyes avoided confidence. It was all I thought Jack, cool, calm, and confident in a mixture of innate within, the pursuit of extreme character.

On his back was a square (Square), the small details are deeply attracted me. I looked around and found more careful furnishings and decorations: the model of the Golden Gate Bridge (representative of the compact and streamlined design) on a mahogany table placed in a circular pattern, in addition to United States painter Rothko square with famous paintings, and contains a square patterned carpets.

As a loyal fan, Jack meeting room decorated with a refined model of the Golden Gate Bridge, he pointed at the model tells us, the Golden Gate Bridge is wonderful because when people drove across the bridge at a time without fear of driving from a to b, the bridge will collapse, and just want to drive to the b side.

Go to the intersection of art and engineering, you will find the best designs is your sense of the details. This design is very pure, very true. People each day on the busy bridge, admiring its beautiful views of minimalist design and infinite. A good software should, too, such as people use Twitter to write a simple message, sharing, networking, interaction with the world. The second, no one would deliberately go research the software's simplicity and functionality, the second, people will find it natural to use this software, free. "It just works."

Who says a pensive child cannot play with the world?

Jack extremely introverted, he repeatedly acknowledged in a media interview on their own in real-life communication is no online nature. However, it is the introverted engineer Adonis completely changed the people around the world Exchange and connectivity--anytime, anywhere to send information and timely for people anywhere in the world to see.

Through Twitter, understand what people think around the world, what to do, care about what is about to go, etc. which is most proud of Jack.

Jack grew up alone, in his own words "a lot of times, like a person dreaming (dreaming) and thinking (thinking)". When he was a child, he liked football, but fascinated by maps and the noise of the train.

Jack often took my brother went to a nearby train and dispatch Center, just to shoot the train whizzing by. Jack had been on the train driver and dispatcher fascinated by ways of communicating via radio location, he was surprised that the communications were clear and simple expression – where they go, what they are doing, and where they are now.

Starting from the train, Jack has been exploring the law of things in real life (how things work), and turn to the virtual world on the Internet – we all have text messaging and cell phone, which means that we can obtain at any time to update our location, do things, go places, contemporary feel and then sent to the whole world.

This is inspired by the origins of Twitter.

From passion to action, a code moved to New York City

Jack is especially fascinated to motorcycles, police cars and taxi cabs. He is 8 years old began to learn programming, when junior high school made a record of ambulance locations on the map. 19 year old of that year, engineer Jack, discovered New York dispatch website security vulnerabilities, after turnover when the contact is found, he wrote a set of code, directly to the company's CEO and Chairman, told the Web site vulnerabilities and remedies. "you have a hole in your website, this is how to fix it".

A week later he got the company's offer, from the home of Midwest Missouri, transferred to New York University, from the farm to the bustling city of New York. Jack back up and still feel like a weird dream, "dream come true speed is too fast! ”

To New York University, the first time he fell in love with this colorful metropolis. Jack said, New York is an electric city – it's like a thunderstorm weather, you sit in the car, the window of the chaos of the world, the noise was, but you're blocking all noise, calm feeling energetic current, like rainwater flowing through streets, into the heart of the city, and into your heart.

Indissoluble bond business cafes and coffee

The fate of Jack and coffee dates back to the age of 14. Jack's first job was in his mother's cafes SCUT work. He was 15 years old for Cafe regulars-glass technologist Jim McKelvey programming. After 20 years, Jim could not pay by credit card the money worries of his hand-blown glass, Jack decided to create Square was unhindered by anyone can become a businessman.

Friends in the Bay area, may be familiar with the third wave of the coffee in the famous Blue Bottle (blue bottle) and the Sightglass. The two cafes and the name Jack Dorsey. Square Stand (below the bottom left white iPad+ feet are gracefully replaced United States POS machines) is the first trial in San Francisco "Zhongguancun Street," near the Blue Bottle Cafe Mint Plaza. Coffee shops are Square products offline user experience testing.

Above the Square's official Twitter forwarded according to the Square of Silicon Stand in Los Angeles, Venice Beach Cafe Menottis

Meanwhile, Jack has invested in Bay area cafes "Goddess" Sightglass, here every day, all kinds of people + technology + designers haunt rookie.?Jack is looking at a coffee shop in this space and contact between people. "Life happens at intersections; it's important to recognize what's happening in that intersection and determine what to do with it." (Person to person contact and interaction a lot of insights and observations; we need to pay attention to these interactive sites (such as coffee shops), then the product needs of the scene. ) Process of buying coffee at the Café is an epitome of Square card reader usage scenarios. Square in replacing POS machine, when you walk into a coffee shop, and can smoothly without took out his wallet to pay.

Square product vision, Jack often coffee example, complicated steps of traditional pay, get a cup of coffee may be cold. When his vision was when we went to the coffee shop, you can pay phone with Square and Cafe will know your favorite flavor. Are Square products frequently appear in various cafes and Jack aspiration to achieve for many years.

Painter and founder of heart have

Jack let me first to find artists and entrepreneurs alike: one wants to show to the world what they see with a brush, another product to show to the world, and believe the idea.

Painter and entrepreneurs in and world playing a bet, because many success of idea in began are had was think is absurd of, like iPhone just released Shi, Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer think no people will willing to spent so high of price to buy iPhone; market 10 billion dollars of share economic originator Airbnb, in early was many wind voted think "Open House let strangers live in cushion bed Shang how incredible. ”

Round table at the end of the discussion, I worked up the courage to ask him questions. I asked him, you've go to have a mentor? He cited a famous New York VC Fred Wilson and capital Tycoon Ray Chambers, I feel so inspired is that Jack and his mentor form calls an hour per month habit.

Face the ups and downs of business, he said, "every experience is to help us carry it better"

Jack gave entrepreneurs the word, the idea that a higher goals for myself: "Don't Just Disrupt. Start a Revolution."

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