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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:14:30 Edit(编辑)
Tesla recalls! ,

Tesla recalls! ,

Tesla recalls! -Tesla Motors, Tesla electric car, the Tesla Model S-IT information
Tesla recalls!

Inautonews12 10th, according to European media reported that Tesla Motors officially stated that Norway recalled at least 1100 Model s vehicles, said problems with its transmission system needs to be improved.

Although Tesla had performed well in the three continents Europe, Asia and Africa market, but this problem has affected the quality of its most important markets in Europe--Norway. According to Tesla Motors released a report recently stated that the main vehicles of this recall for the Tesla Model s, the car's main problem is its drivetrain.

On the first-hand information from the grasp of it, Tesla engineers detected between the connectors and transmission systems, flaws, and at least 1100 Model s will be recalled. The installations had not been sufficiently lubricated, therefore, leads to premature aging and other problems. Later Tesla will notify owners and related to free repair or replacement parts.

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