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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/10 8:35:19 Edit(编辑)
Great God complaining: Apple, Samsung, millet, Huawei lay down guns,

Great God complaining: Apple, Samsung, millet, Huawei lay down guns,

Great God complaining: Apple, Samsung, Huawei, millet, whole lay-cool, cool great God, Apple, Samsung, millet, Huawei-IT news
Great God complaining: Apple, Samsung, millet, Huawei lay down guns

IT information news on December 9, last cool God unleashed his "nuclear weapon" after , xiaobian thought God would "rest" period of time, did not think of God in "life goes on, tossing more than" attitude, in the spectacular opening this morning complaining mode. This time, Apple, Samsung, millet, Huawei and many other vendors have a vaguely felt his knee in the arrow?

This morning, cool Zhu Fanghao Group mobile Internet and e-business, Twitter, says he hates the current Smartphone market, great God to do beyond the iPhone mobile phone, and want to justify domestic mobile phone. This text very impassioned, filled with nationalism and sense of read between the lines, visible in order to bring their great God X7 first smack is kind of spell.

Next, you feel this article trough full of the smart-phone market, "seven gnawing regrets"!

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