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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/11 8:47:08 Edit(编辑)
Arrives in temptation, United States men porn site built by extortion,

Arrives in temptation, United States men porn site built by extortion,(抵不住诱惑,美国男子建色情网站进行敲诈,)

Against temptation, United States men for blackmail revenge-porn build porn sites, porn sites, Internet pornography-IT information Arrives in temptation, United States men porn site built by extortion

According to the foreign media news, United States 10th San Diego police have arrested a man, aged 27, accusing it of operating "revenge sex" sites, and using more than 10,000 pornographic photographs to blackmail plot.

27 kaiwenkelisituofu Rahl be pregnant now faces 31 charges, including engaging in illegal trades and guilty of conspiracy, identity theft, extortion and other crimes, said he depended on it to make huge illicit profits.

California Attorney General malahalisi said, this porn site to publish a number of intimate photographs of the victims, but they had no knowledge of this. Victims of humiliation and betrayal becomes a commodity, and their lives are likely to be abused.

Suspect Bora contributed 50,000 dollars bail, custody, were charged in December last year create a porn site and feel free to upload on the Internet without the consent of pornographic pictures. These photos are usually "revenge erotic" theme, taken by couples themselves but without consent are uploaded to the site and may even be stolen or hackers.

It is reported that the website is not like other porn sites are anonymous, and asked to upload the Web site posted photos in the person's full name, address, age, and "Facebook" homepage link.

In order to earn more money, Baulard created a second porn sites. If the parties to delete first site pictures of his identity with the second Web site, $ 350 to victims of extortion, "delete", which earned huge profits.

In a statement, the Court said, is similar to the use of private photos of extortion and illegal cyber-crime should be severely punished.


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