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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/9/8 11:51:39 Edit(编辑)
Hollywood scandal put New Zealand network is paralyzed,

Hollywood scandal put New Zealand network is paralyzed,

Hollywood scandal put New Zealand network of both lay-old laiwu pornographic, Jennifer Lawrence, New Zealand-IT news
Hollywood scandal put New Zealand network is paralyzed

Hollywood starlets caused New Zealand telecom giant Spark's disaster. Due to the large number of users want to see fast, malicious software disguised as yan Zhao take advantage of Spark suffered a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and large areas to a standstill. As of 7th network back to normal operation.

5th night Spark users into clicking on malicious software, to Spark caused by cyber attacks. Also known as distributed denial of service attacks flooding attack, is a repeated attack way to access Web sites, for making false traffic, manufacturing sites access bandwidth traffic jams and paralyzed the attack site. Spark said that you know when users click on links to Hollywood starlets, to accidentally install malicious software was, to Spark to launch distributed denial of service network attacks.

The spokeswoman said, Spark cannot promise not to cut off. "International cyber criminals using tactics keep changing, we will remain vigilant, monitoring network. However, like any Internet service provider, we cannot guarantee that this type of situation does not recur, or in another form. ”

New Zealand authorities said the network behind the attack hasn't been clear.

"Topless" victims included Oscar-winner zhennifu·laolunsi, model Kaite·apudun and several other actresses. After photos out, cyber-security experts have warned that user clicks on links may trigger a malicious software.

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