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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:17:00 Edit(编辑)
Lenovo 2014: close to Android, and Chrome, away from Windows

Lenovo 2014: close to Android, and Chrome, away from Windows(联想2014:亲近安卓、Chrome,远离Windows)

Lenovo 2014: parental Android, Chrome, long Windows-Lenovo, Android, Chromebook,Windows-IT information Lenovo 2014: Pro-Android/Chrome, far from Windows

Lenovo 2013 PC market is one of the few winners, but this does not mean that Lenovo will they hang on Windows this big tree.

Lenovo 2014 years, invested considerable resources to develop and launch a number of Android smartphones . Now, CNET News, Lenovo plans to significantly increase its Chromebook series will publish this summer a few cheap Chrome notebooks .

Lenovo explains Jay Parker, President of North American operations, Lenovo think "Chromebook can quickly have a strong impact on the market, so within the next 12 months, Chromebook rapid growth."


联想2014:亲安卓、Chrome,远Windows - 联想,安卓,Chromebook,Windows - IT资讯



联想北美运营总裁Jay Parker解释道,联想认为“Chromebook可以迅速在市场上产生强大的影响,因此未来12个月内,Chromebook会飞速增长”。


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