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published in(发表于) 2016/6/28 13:49:00 Edit(编辑)
United States Commerce Department suspended again for ZTE, China sanctions ban

United States Commerce Department suspended again for ZTE, China sanctions ban(美国中国商务部再次缓期对中兴制裁禁令,)



United States, China's Ministry of Commerce-ZTE ZTE sanctions ban reprieve again, sanctions, China's Ministry of Commerce-IT information

Beijing time June 28 morning news, United States, China's Ministry of Commerce said on Monday that export restrictions on ZTE ban will stay until August 30 to make a decision. In March, United States Government announced that due to ZTE had violated Iran's export ban, ZTE will be sanctions.

New United States Commerce Department granted ZTE, China continues to export contains United States technical equipment. United States, China's Ministry of Commerce said in March that if ZTE with United States Government regulations, then the ban will continue suspended.

Industry experts say United States announced ban on export restrictions are very strict, could have serious ramifications for ZTE's global supply chain. According to this restriction, United States to the ZTE company shall not export any technology, software and equipment, such as chips and processors. In addition, the software company cannot sell any to ZTE Office Tools, such as Microsoft Windows and its upgrade package.

However, shortly after announcing the news, United States, China's Ministry of Commerce gave ZTE for 3 months-month grace period, and the ban was suspended until June 30. United States, China's Ministry of Commerce announced in a statement on Monday again suspended the ban.

In an e-mail bulletin, ZTE said Zhao Xianming, Chairman, suspended the ban showed that ZTE is resolving compliance issues, and to cooperate with government investigations. That makes ZTE can sustain "with hundreds of United States companies, and in the United States continue to invest."

美国中国商务部再次缓期对中兴制裁禁令 - 中兴,制裁,中国商务部 - IT资讯






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