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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/27 17:52:10 Edit(编辑)
Human enhancement devices: Sony, solar power, Sony,

Human enhancement devices: Sony, solar power, Sony,

Sony black Science: vegetable/solar power/human enhancement devices-Sony, solar power, and sony-IT information Sony black Science: vegetable/solar power/human enhancement devices

Most technology companies have a profound research and innovation projects, such as Microsoft research is developing with a sensor of "smart Bra" and holographic computer desk Google driverless cars, robot, going to the Moon and even human structures are involved. What about Sony? Until recently, we don't even know if Sony has a research and development facility.

Main reason is that most of Sony's new projects other companies want a lower profile than many of r only laboratory and offices in Tokyo and Paris, but this did not prevent them from having the same huge goal: to save the world. Subjective North yehongming said of the Sony computer science laboratories, they have a lot of great ideas, I want some more to give something back to society, but sometimes the development process went smoothly but sometimes it takes 10 years or even longer time. In fact, Sony invented early network-aware services and augmented reality technology, but have no idea what to do.

New field: open power system

53, North yehongming is a good computer scientists, PhD, for decades published a variety of computer field, award-winning papers, ongoing innovation also led Sony computer science laboratories, one of the famous products include the Aibo robot dogs, and so on. Under their leadership, new direction for Sony computer science laboratories, and even include new renewable energy, agriculture and even enhanced humans.

North yehongming thought, the new electricity market will reach $ 2.3 trillion over the next 20-30 years of market orders of magnitude, so even Sony occupies only a small part of the market, so the revenue will also be enormous. For this reason, Sony is concentrated research and development of so-called "open energy system", a new type of power-renewable energy, through to houses equipped with solar panels and batteries, to power generation, sharing energy, has been successfully applied in 9 houses in Okinawa, and plans to expand to 20 to 22 seats.

At the same time, Sony Group has been testing solar technologies in other areas of applicability. In this year, for example, they went to the Ivory Coast in West Africa, through the solar-driven enormous screens for local villagers in a village on 2014 World Cup matches. In a poor village with no electricity, telephones, a total of 3,000 villagers came to watch the World Cup, which was clearly extraordinary.

As you can imagine, if the solar renewable energy technology to be successful, will improve the quality of life for poor people around the globe, the significance is huge.

Sony in Japan selling vegetables

Traditional reliance on agricultural chemicals and climate are very serious, from the downside, pesticide application will even alter human DNA structure, obviously, it is very unhealthy. In order to change this situation, Sony computer science laboratories are developing "micro-agricultural control system" to reduce dependence on crops to climate, chemicals, has now made considerable achievements, some crops are even in the market for sale. Yes, Sony in Japan selling vegetables.

Human enhancement devices

Except for the PS4 game console Project Morhpeus displays, Sony is actively building more augmented reality technology, including enhanced equipment directly to people. Among them, ranging from inspired by Harry Potter's "Quidditch", which is a flying ball, escape human Manhunt, exercise baby's hand-eye coordination skills, is very interesting.

In addition, Sony also showed off machine against ordinary citizens prostheses, you can use 3D printing technology to produce, so as to reduce the price of prostheses of the machine, for the benefit of disabled persons. Can be worn on the user's head, taking 360-degree spherical photos and video LiveSphere wearable camera, but seemed a bit Pediatrics.

In short, as one of the leading enterprises of the electronic entertainment industry, Sony, like many Internet companies, will look to look to the future, want to explore cutting-edge technologies to change the world.

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