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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:28:42 Edit(编辑)
The pit! Red Bull Canada rolls, driver “drink driving“, and

The pit! Red Bull Canada rolls, driver “drink driving“, and(坑!红牛加小面包,司机“酒驾”了,)



The pit! Red Bull Canada rolls, driver "drinking and driving"-drunk driving-IT information

Road traffic police test alcohol showed more than drunk driving standard, and the content is not low. This driver Xu Shifu is wondering, he insisted that he did not drink wine, were "wrong". What the hell is going on? According to what he said, and is likely to be by the Red Bull energy drink and rolls for the "hole".

Delivery van driver Xu master on March 25 at about 1 o′clock in the morning, ramp button on the ramp at qianjiangsanqiao Riverside (South to North), was stopped by the police for law enforcement detect alcohol content. Results showed that alcohol content is 51.1mg/100ml, that is already better than drunk driving standards 20mg/100ml far beyond.

"How is it possible. "Master Xu dumbfounded on the spot. He said their day to Xiaoshan delivered, delivery place more, where free drinks. Not only didn′t drink that night even how to fill the stomach. Alcohol testing was stopped when he just ate 1 and a half of Hong Kong-style bread, and drank about half a can of Red Bull energy drink. "I doubt it, probably they are to blame, then blows when there is bread in my mouth not swallow at all. "Displayed on the packaging of the bread, ingredients of" alcohol ".

Master Xu′s doubts, not without reason. He said that just half an hour earlier, he had been stopped by traffic police for alcohol testing, when displayed as 0, with no alcohol content. Therefore, when told that after drunk driving, he raised an objection, so traffic temporarily was the master′s license and took him to the hospital for a blood test. It is understood that the blood test results haven′t come out.

Master Xu was nervous, if found to be drunk, it would be "wrong". Because once drunk, his driver′s license not only 12 points, but also detained card for 6 months and a fine. In other words, he may give their jobs to fail.

Then, Master Xu ever drink driving, Red Bull energy drink and small bread "was drunk"??Police said that possibility is there. Such as bun itself has an alcohol content, with a Red Bull, ferment, which makes the alcohol concentration to rise .

Police said that, in fact, similar to easy "was drunk" food, we also have easy access to. For example, alcoholic chocolate milk powder, drunken chicken, drunken shrimp, wine steamed green crab, bean curd, egg pie, such as mouthwash, Huoxiang zhengqi, is actually the cause of "drunk driving". However, eating these foods, as long as the amount is not particularly large, as long as not driving at once, the alcohol content will soon return to zero.

The previous summer, qianjiang evening news reporter still on the police team had experimented, eating lychees are likely to drink driving. This is mainly because lychee sugar high, enzyme (ferment) will produce alcohol. In fact, high sugar fruit as long as long storage, can be produced by fermentation of alcohol, such as apples, bananas, etc. Of course, fruits such as lychee was a small alcohol content would evaporate when breathing, talking with the human body, measured out in a few minutes.

So, If you decide not to drink wine, in fact, can explain the situation, requesting police wait for 5 minutes and then test, don′t have too much to worry about .

Of course, if you really eat alcoholic foods or alcohol drugs leads to drunk driving, can not escape punishment? But the "impossible". So, if you are really drunk, don′t use food as an excuse not to admit that drinking and driving.

According to the relevant regulations of the State motor vehicle driver′s blood alcohol concentration greater than or equal to 20mg/100ml and less than 80mg/100ml, which belongs to the drink for drink driving; motor vehicle drivers blood alcohol concentration greater than or equal to 80mg100/ml, which belongs to the drunk driving.

"As long as the alcohol concentration test results are consistent with the national standards, which constitute an act of drinking or drunken driving. "Police said the driver of food (served) with alcoholic ingredients in food, beverage, drug, leading to alcohol in the body, can also interfere with safe driving, causing traffic accidents. For example, if you eat enough alcohol, chocolate, maybe very high alcohol content. Of course, if the party disagrees with the conclusions on the breath test, and can be verified by the method of blood testing, and ultimately to blood alcohol levels to decide whether there is a violation.

坑!红牛加小面包,司机“酒驾”了 - 酒驾 - IT资讯






那么,徐师傅到底有没有饮酒驾驶,红牛饮料加小面包是否会“被酒驾”呢?交警说,可能性是有。 比如小面包本身就有酒精含量,配着红牛饮料,产生发酵,从而使得酒精浓度上升

交警说,事实上,类似容易“被酒驾”的食物,平时我们也很容易接触到。比如说, 酒精巧克力、食用醉鸡、醉虾、黄酒蒸青蟹、腐乳、蛋黄派、漱口水、藿香正气水等,其实都是容易引起“酒驾”。不过,吃了这些食物,只要量不是特别大,只要不是立刻去开车,酒精含量很快都会归零。


所以, 如果你确定自己没喝过酒,其实可以说明情况,请求现场民警等5分钟再测,不用太过担忧




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