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published in(发表于) 2016/4/29 5:35:06 Edit(编辑)
Cannot sell their mobile phones, HTC to fight betting on HTC,Vive,

Cannot sell their mobile phones, HTC to fight betting on HTC,Vive,(手机卖不动,HTC全力一搏押注HTC,Vive,)



Mobile phones sold, bet HTC HTC to spare beats Vive-HTC Vive,HTC her-IT information

HTC today to arouse heated debate, only the VR (virtual reality).

On April 26, the HTC VR strategies and ecosystem in China Conference in Beijing. Conference Hall was full of people as a whole, many people even stood listening to the Conference, as evidenced by the industry's enthusiasm for VR.

HTC announced on the day of the most important issues, is to start the global VR business team-oriented support--Vive project x Accelerator program. HTC Chairman Cher Wang,HTC is making every effort to VR industry and development of eco-business , the Accelerator program first established in Beijing, Taipei and San Francisco, along with the cultivation Fund plans to invest US $ 100 million.

HTC Chairman Cher Wang, Chief Executive, he said.

HTC introduced the plan through for developers and start-up teams with a variety of tools and expertise to help the development team rapid development and potential in the global market place. Excellent VR product will also have an opportunity to directly cooperate with the Vive and gain promotion.

Meanwhile, as is her favorite products in these two years, HTC Vive in the Mainland began for a price of 6888, including Beijing East, cat, GOME, suning and other online and offline channels.

All the signs indicate that, HTC internal resources have been tilted to the VR business . Although the interview, HTC VR China General Manager Alvin Wang graylin and VR technologies Department Deputy General Manager Bao Yongzhe denies it and said mobile phones businesses with VR services are equally important, but HTC actual deeds and words, VR business inside the HTC has been nothing less than than in the mobile phone business.

The reason is simple: HTC mobile phones are harder to sell.

These last two years, HTC continues to roll out new models, but due to weak product innovation capacity, Apple and Samsung and competition from major domestic manufacturers fall in downwind, resulting in global smartphone market share just 1%, not even for Taiwan manufacturers ASUS. So in fact HTC mobile phones businesses have been marginalized, losing space for survival and development.

Setting a serious drag on overall performance of the HTC smart phone business. It is HTC's latest earnings, its 2015 fourth quarter revenue of NT $ 4.2 billion, about 840 million Yuan, the lowest and the highest in nearly 10 years in February, fell to 35%, down 55%. Looking at the HTC earnings the past two years, revenue also dropped lower and lower.

On 12th of this month, HTC released its annual flagship handset HTC 10 worldwide, however apart from castrated (global version of Gao Tongxiao long 820 reduced to Xiao long 652) and some people ridicule the "discrimination against domestic consumers", the models in the domestic market has been rather little attention.

And take such discriminatory policy, seem to be understandable for HTC phones are putting limited resources into overseas markets, but markets in mainland China a strategic retreat.

VR market faced the situation is entirely different.

Since last year's MWC, and Valve (the half-life of the famous game developer) jointly launched the HTC since Vive, HTC surround VR business is already in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, held a number of Developer Summit, and invited the media journalists and gaming enthusiasts for several rounds of VR field experience.

After much preheating, HTC Vive on February 29, opens global pre, $ 799 HTC Vive sold 15,000 copies within ten minutes, far more than HTC expected.

Because the sale exceeded expectations, even if results are not satisfactory, HTC shares jumped 21% over the next two days, reached a new high since June 2015.

General of the scientific and technological circles to VR industry, investor confidence in HTC Vive reasons. According to DigiCapital forecasts, by 2020 the global VR market will reach $ 120 billion.

At yesterday's meeting, Alvin Wang graylin also expresses the "after the era" and "VR Palace" vision. In his view, the virtual reality equipment sales in four years later over the phone, this market will exceed US $ 110 billion in the future.

"HTC partners of VR is not limited to the gaming industry, the entertainment industry, including real estate, education, health care, and market size of up to 3 billion dollars in retail. "Alvin Wang graylin said enthusiastically.

To unite all sectors of companies working together to promote the overall development of VR industry, expand the areas and modalities of VR innovation, integration, and even more resources, to set up their own VR camps or ecology, HTC has set up a "virtual reality industry association of Asia-Pacific". Valve, Warner Brothers, Alibaba, NVIDIA (NVIDIA), AMD, youku, and aiqi arts, CIS technology, 13 "Member" includes chip makers, content distribution and sales channel partners.

In particular, cooperation in addition to the hardware other than NVIDIA, AMD, youku, aiqi Arts will do the development and distribution of film and television content, GOME appliances, cat, cats, Jingdong and suningyi would work with HTC sold Vive helmet.

HTC was able to roll out so bold as to cooperation, and to obtain the trust of many partners, largely because the VR market at present, has not been able to challenge to the competitors.

Although VR products competitive on the world market, but outside of HTC Vive, the other two recognized would be VR giant Oculus of Rift and Sony PS VR was not aimed at the Chinese market for product promotion and distribution.

And many well-known domestic VR Head manufacturers, technology has a certain distance away from the high-end products. In fact, immersion, manipulative and anti-Vertigo on the image processing to achieve first-class level, HTC Vive user experience called is one of the best VR products.

But then again,HTC VR is not in front of a Royal Road .

First, the VR eco-most important-the developer is not HTC's forte. On one hand, HTC and co-operation is not exclusive of the Valve, Valve now also provide game content for OculusRift.

According to survey from GDC 2000 developers, most developers VR as the preferred platform for development and application of Oculus, at 19% per cent, followed by Samsung Gear VR 8%, Google 7%,HTC Vive of Cardboard and Sony 6%. While most good VR content developers are currently in foreign countries.

This is why HTC to rush into "Vive x Accelerator programme", eager to cultivate domestic VR development reasons, in order to attract more talented developers to join, in addition to the accelerator outside financial support, HTC launched its own app store, Viveport, and committed themselves to taking 37 principles for sharing with the developer.

Secondly,HTC Vive price is not populist , there not many which support HTC Vive, many users want to experience the PC needs to be upgraded, so shopping experience compared to HTC Vive threshold Cardboard, Samsung High Gear and other products.

Alvin Wang graylin interface to reporters about this, Vive price actually has far less than experts recommended selling price and to allow more people to experience the product they are in no hurry to make money from the hardware. "Good position description for sale, our target user is acceptable for this price. "Alvin Wang graylin said.

Finally, HTC Vive has become a hot topic, but from the expected market size, Vive is certainly no revenues to help HTC predicament in the short term .

Of course, these difficulties will not hinder her HTC Vive as the next focus of the company.

In a media interview, she said: "the Smartphone is very important, but natural expansion is more important to other devices, such as extends to wearable and virtual reality. Hope that everyone talked about virtual reality in the coming years the first mentioned name HTC, everyone thinks it is a giant VR. ”

To facilitate the development of HTC Vive, HTC has implemented a restructuring plan of the entire organizational structure, rumors about the HTC will split the VR business has continued.

In a nutshell, VR hosted a revival of HTC finally hope success or failure really is at stake.

手机卖不动,HTC全力一搏押注HTC Vive - HTC Vive,HTC,王雪红 - IT资讯



当天HTC宣布的最重要事项,是启动面向全球VR创业团队的扶持项目——Vive X加速器计划。HTC董事长王雪红表示,HTC正全力投入VR产业和生态企业的发展,该加速器计划将最先在北京、台北、旧金山设立,伴随计划将投入1亿美元的培育基金。



同时,作为王雪红这两年来最宠爱的产品,HTC Vive正式在内地开始预售,价格为6888元,覆盖包括京东、天猫、国美、苏宁等线上线下渠道。

种种迹象表明,HTC内部资源已经在向VR业务倾斜。虽然接受记者采访时,HTC VR中国总经理汪丛青及VR新科技部门副总经理鲍永哲对此矢口否认,并表示手机业务跟VR业务同等重要,但从HTC实际行动和各方言论来看,VR业务在HTC内部的地位已不亚于甚至超过了手机业务。




本月12日,HTC在全球范围内发布了年度旗舰手机HTC 10,然而除了因为国行版被阉割(从全球版的高通骁龙820弱化为骁龙652)而引起部分人吐槽其“歧视国内消费者”之外,这款机型在国内市场得到的关注度相当小。



自从去年的MWC上和Valve(著名的《半条命》游戏开发商)共同推出HTC Vive以来,围绕着VR业务HTC已经在北京、上海、深圳举办了多场开发者峰会,并邀请各路媒体记者和游戏爱好者进行了多轮VR现场体验。

大量预热工作后,HTC Vive在2月29日开启全球预售,799美元的HTC Vive十分钟内便售出1.5万套,远远超过了HTC的预期。


科技圈对VR产业的普遍看好,是投资者对对HTC Vive充满信心的原因。据DigiCapital的预测,到2020年全球VR市场规模将达到1200亿美元。


“HTC VR的合作伙伴不仅限于游戏业、娱乐业,更包括房地产、教育、医疗健康,以及市场规模高达30亿美元的零售业。”汪丛青热情高涨地说。




虽然全球市场上VR产品竞争激烈,但除了HTC Vive以外,其他两家公认将成为VR巨头的Oculus Rift和索尼PS VR并没有针对中国市场进行产品推广和铺货。

而国内众多不知名的VR头显厂商,技术水平离高端产品还有一定的距离。事实上,沉浸感、操控性以及对画面防眩晕的处理都达到一流水平,HTC Vive的用户体验称得上是目前最好的VR产品之一。

然而话说回来,HTC VR的前方也并非一片坦途


而根据来自GDC针对2000名开发者的相关调查显示,大部分开发者把Oculus VR作为开发应用的首选平台,占比达到19%,其次是三星Gear VR的8%、谷歌的Cardboard的7%,HTC Vive和索尼各占6%。同时大多数优秀的VR内容开发者目前都在国外。

这也是为什么HTC急于推出“Vive X加速器计划”、急于培养国内VR开发力量的原因,为了吸引更多优秀开发者加入,除了加速器的资金扶持外,HTC还推出了自己的应用商店Viveport,并承诺将采取三七原则与开发者分成。

其次,HTC Vive的价格并不亲民,市面上能够支持HTC Vive的电脑也不多,许多用户想体验还需要对PC进行升级,因此购买体验HTC Vive的门槛相比Cardboard、三星Gear等产品要高。


最后,HTC Vive虽然已经成为人们热议的话题,但从可预期的市场规模来看,Vive肯定无法在短期内帮助HTC走出营收困境

当然,这些困难都不能阻碍王雪红将HTC Vive作为公司的下一个发展重点。


为配合HTC Vive的发展,HTC已经实施了一项调整整个组织架构的重组计划,关于HTC将拆分VR业务的传言也一直不断。


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