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WebService在.NET中的实战应用教学视频 → 第4集
qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/26 7:54:51 Edit(编辑)
Sao years should sit in class? ,

Sao years should sit in class? ,

Sao years should sit in class?
-Mobile phones-IT news Sao years should sit in class?

Still thinks he is a class player? Weigh yourself again. New research suggests that even the smartest person in the class, also Internet access in the classroom (non-teaching) and affect their learning.

"As play cell phones and laptops in class, more and more people, do it all and its impact on the academic results of education concern. "Michigan State University study found that regardless of how the intelligence level, making notes around Facebook such behavior leads to decline, which means that even the most intelligent person in the school should also listen carefully in class.

The study tracked 500 MSU students, record their grades as well as class when using the mobile phone and laptop cases. Discover when they rely on these distractors (even if it's just to watch the news), falling harder.

It was once widely believed, those students who are slightly lower intelligence levels, if distracted in class, then the results will be poor, while students with better learning abilities in multitasking between work and play. But the study rejected this view, anyone not immune to interference of the Internet.

Now in the classroom laptop use is widespread, there seems to be no good way to tell students what to play Candy Crush still record your professor's notes. Is also an awkward thing for cell phones, said researcher Susan Ravizza "what can you do? Class and then send back hundreds of phones collected? ”

Affected more than just the man behind a computer screen, next to the students who don't have computers will also be attracted by the computer, "I'm sure if someone used a computer to see the cat in the classroom, sat behind his classmates are very difficult to concentrate on lectures. ”

Even if college tuition is expensive, such as astronomical, but was unable to prevent students not to rely on this an hour tweeting. More irony is that even if nothing does not bring a laptop to class students will be in front of the cat GIF interference.

Worrying is that the students themselves do not seem to realize that the extra screen to interrupt their studies. Do it all is the product of increased efficiency, but it also has its weaknesses, particularly in the classroom.

"No matter how clever you are, should be responsible for their own classroom, don't let the Internet interferes with your studies. ”

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