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published in(发表于) 2016/6/9 5:41:08 Edit(编辑)
Slow progress: Intel confirmed to stop the development of portable wireless charging technology

Slow progress: Intel confirmed to stop the development of portable wireless charging technology(进展缓慢:Intel确认停止研发笔记本无线充电技术,)



Slow progress: Intel-confirm to stop the development of portable wireless charging technology for Wireless charging, notebook, Intel-IT information

On June 9, chip giant Intel is continuing to cut out some of the less successful business, laptop Wireless charging technology development work was stopped, the study continued for several years has not made satisfactory progress in its work.

Last year, Intel has shown a very limited functions of desktop Wireless charging system, the effective distance of only a few inches. This year, although the company hopes it will enter the market, but so far there are no signs of an imminent sale.

Last week, Intel 4 executives from wireless charging AirFuel Alliance, an industry group to leave. Intel said that they will continue to cooperate and notebook manufacturers, on their wireless charging solution for authentication. A spokesman for the company said: "we will continue to support the Wireless ecosystem, but we no longer own the development of wireless charging technology. ”

Fortune magazine reported, Intel cut off some PC-related business, its CEO Brian Krzanich will acquire competitors. While Brian Krzanich himself said, although he did this "shopping list", but he believes that Intel has the ability to make large acquisitions.

进展缓慢:Intel确认停止研发笔记本无线充电技术 - 无线充电,笔记本,Intel - IT资讯



上个星期,英特尔4名高管从无线充电行业组织AirFuel Alliance离职。英特尔表示,他们将继续和笔记本电脑制造商合作,对他们的无线充电解决方案进行认证。该公司发言人说:“我们将继续支持无线充电生态系统,但是我们不再自己开发无线充电技术。”

《财富》杂志报道称,英特尔在砍掉一些与PC相关的业务之后,其CEO Brian Krzanich很有可能会收购一些竞争对手。而Brian Krzanich本人则表示,虽然他没有这方面的“购物清单”,但是他认为英特尔有能力进行大规模的收购。

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