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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/26 7:53:15 Edit(编辑)
Declining Kodak City: Centennial video giant’s rise and fall,

Declining Kodak City: Centennial video giant’s rise and fall,

Declining Kodak City: Centennial images rise and fall of Giants-Kodak, photography-IT news Declining Kodak City: Centennial images rise and fall of Giants

Rochester is the United States an industrial city from Lake Ontario, Western New York, except for a few university institutions, or once the imaging giant Eastman Kodak Company headquarters are located.

Switzerland female photographer Catherine Leutenegger has came to Rochester in 2007, again in 2012, shooting with Kodak's story in this city. Later she organize photos into an anthology, and named to the KODAK CITY (Kodak).

Catherine recounts his 2007 film story said: "when I came to Rochester is kind of surprising, here to show the United States on the other side, instead of New York. "She describes:" when Rochester was a devastated city, abandoned shops, built up to half of the subway, another industrial wasteland has become the city ' landscape ' ". End to the shooting, in 2012, Kodak formally proposed after bankruptcy, and Catherine once again returned to the city. 5 years later, while in Rochester, did not change much, but has been renamed Eastman Kodak Park Business Park. Catherine photographed in 2007 found some facilities have disappeared, and the city has witnessed the rise and fall of Centennial Imaging giant.

2007 photograph:

2012 shooting:

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