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published in(发表于) 2016/8/12 12:18:40 Edit(编辑)
Phones sold fixed do? Samsung officials: selling cars

Phones sold fixed do? Samsung officials: selling cars(手机卖不动咋办?三星官方:卖车,)



Phones sold fixed do? Samsung officials: car-Samsung, Samsung phones, Samsung Motors-IT information

IT information news on August 11, Samsung Note7 received wide attention after they were published, only Korea bookings of 3 days break 200,000, Samsung S7 series twice, but Samsung officials prepare already thinking cell phone sold fixed things.

Samsung official had previously released mobile phones businesses actually expected, after Samsung believes that the world has entered the age of intelligent machines, this means that the massive growth of the Smartphone business is impossible, although three Galaxy phones and TV are booming, however, is anyone's guess when the market suddenly tightening. Samsung officials recently told Korea media said in an interview: "in the future there will be a point in time in the Smartphone revenue fell sharply", Samsung needs to change its traditional business model also requires continuing challenges.

And Samsung to change one is into the automotive industry, there are rumors that Samsung is about to buy maniedimarui auto companies, the deal is valued at approximately $ 3 billion. Enter this industry will enable Samsung to keep up with technology giants such as Google, the future electric car and self-driving cake will have a part of Samsung.

手机卖不动咋办?三星官方:卖车 - 三星,三星手机,三星汽车 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月11日消息,三星Note7发布后受到了广泛关注,仅韩国的预订量3天突破20万,是三星S7系列的2倍,然而三星官方却居安思危,已经在想手机卖不动之后的事情了。



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