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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/19 4:43:42 Edit(编辑)
Phone control is a mental disorder? Mainland experts were exaggerated,

Phone control is a mental disorder? Mainland experts were exaggerated,

Phone control is a mental disorder?
Mainland experts: exaggeration-mobile control, cellphone addiction, Internet addiction disorder-IT news Phone control is a mental disorder? Mainland experts: greatly exaggerated

Two days ago, a message says Singapore some psychiatrists are also proposed to the Department of public health, the addiction to the Internet and mobile phone addiction is classified as a mental illness . Many netizens poke fun at said he had struggled with illness for years and there are also netizens asked, I am ill, do you have any medicine? In this regard, the experts said that people without cell phones now is not so much of an addiction, mental illness, rather than relying on cell phones as an excuse to avoid work. People should play less, we should enrich their lives.

Play mobile phone addiction is a mental illness?

According to the United States, Yahoo News, June 13, Singapore some psychiatrists are proposed to the Department of public health, addiction is addiction to the Internet and mobile phones as a mental illness. This news came out, netizens said they took an arrow in the knee.

The news that Singapore Gleneagles Medical Center psychiatrist aidelian·Wang noted that mobile phone addiction should be classified as a mental illness. Singapore Nanyang Technological University Assistant Professor of telisha·Lin defined cell phone addiction: users stop viewing their phones; or user when the phone cannot be used on digital equipment's desire, anxiety, lead to learning and productivity loss. Telisha·Lin also pointed out that parents cannot give them to appease the crying child playing Smartphone or tablet.

In this regard, many netizens exclaimed, that his play turned out to be "mentally ill". But in comments in the press, although many people ridicule attitude on such research, but there are still many people admitted that he really has too much mobile phone use.

Cell phones carry, always check

Yesterday afternoon, reporters found in xinjiekou area visit round and the emergence of smart phones "bowing" abound. Walking, Queuing, and even crossing the road can be seen holding a cell phone without letting go of the person.

Have just entered the University campus of Xu bow is a typical representative of the family. At school, cell phones became her one and only source of entertainment. "Brush brushed micro-blogging app, visit renren, Taobao last, turn back every day, otherwise you'll feel out of touch with friends. , "Xu said. Use their mobile phones to her for 500 megabytes of traffic per month, but usually not to the end of the month ran out, and then superimposed packages. The most exaggerated one at Moonlight traffic charges took more than 100 million.

Zhang started working the phone off at the moment, "sleep will not shut down, got up at the first ring for me to see if the company wanted. "Zhang said. Now she actually felt a bit addicted to it. "Knowing that someone looking for me, cell phones beep will sound, but even if it didn't go off, and I couldn't help but look at my phone out once in a while. "She smiled periodically look at the cell phone has become her another instinct.

Cell phone addiction is not the patent of young people, nearly 50 years the clock has just changed the smart phone has this year amongst emotions. "Got all kinds of information are now online, I took a phone Empire knows. "Discovery of a new world, Chung bus commuting time has been devoted to cell phone screens. World Cup recently, unable to stay up to watch the ball clock, play up that phone is intensified, "the eyes are glued to the phone. "His wife said.

Said addiction rather than rely on live life to the fullest is key

However, Singapore experts say, experts put forward some different views of Nanjing. National Counselor Yu Xuan says of the common concept for the concept of addiction and in medicine is actually different. Most people think of, habitually do one thing may be addictive, but from a medical standpoint, addiction is required to meet certain conditions, to qualitative. "Feel empty, brush your cell phone, just think of cell phones as a medium for social contact, not addicted to mobile phone, can only be regarded as dependent on mobile phones. "Yu Xuan says.

Cell phone addiction include mental illness, Yu Xuan you think mental illness is hard to define. Can play mobile would affect sight, headphones can affect hearing, that there is case law to follow. Said long play mobile will affect the spirit of no real basis for the time being.

Yu Xuan says most people who play phone for a long time is not a mental problem, but to reflect on their attitude towards life. She said: "a lot of people play mobile, says his addiction is not a good excuse. If you have the right attitude to life, lived a very full and no need to sign on to the Internet every day. ”

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