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published in(发表于) 2016/6/17 11:25:56 Edit(编辑)
Kumamoto earthquake-triggered business shrink, Sony jumped on Internet life raft

Kumamoto earthquake-triggered business shrink, Sony jumped on Internet life raft(熊本地震引发业务萎缩,索尼跳上物联网救生筏,)



Kumamoto earthquake-triggered business shrink, Sony jumped on the raft of Internet of things-Sony, Internet-IT news

IT information news on June 17, Sony held a general meeting of shareholders today, discusses Sony's future business direction and how to get rid of the effects of earthquakes and poor market situation.

Hirai, President discuss semiconductor business, said that the company's semiconductor business is still a smart phone market growth and influence of Kumamoto plant capacity declined due to earthquakes, a way out is through Internet and vehicle products, needs to find new ways of performance growth.

But Sony is in the car business is still at an early stage, vehicle sensors product shipments will be finished in 2016. Sony is located in Kumamoto, Kumamoto-ju Yang Ting semiconductor factory in earthquake affected, which leads Sony cut its revenue forecast, although the factory in some production lines resumed production after an earthquake, however, still not fully recovered to its state before the earthquake.

熊本地震引发业务萎缩,索尼跳上物联网救生筏 - 索尼,物联网 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月17日消息,索尼在今天召开了一次股东大会,主要讨论了索尼未来的业务方向以及如何摆脱地震和市场整体形势较差的影响。



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