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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/19 4:43:29 Edit(编辑)
No border will be to: freeform showed sharp technology

No border will be to: freeform showed sharp technology

No border will be to: freeform showed sharp technology-free-form display, sharp LCD, sharp display, sharp-IT news No border will be to: freeform showed sharp technology

Beijing News the morning of June 19, Sharpe today announced a new "free-form display" (Free-Form Display) technology, border of the almost complete elimination of the traditional LCD screens. Using this technology, LCD screens can be made into almost any shape to accommodate more diverse products.

Traditional liquid crystal display rectangle is the smallest in order to pass the border width to accommodate called "drive" drive circuit-the circuit around the screen area around it. By using free-form display technology, the door drive functions can be dispersed in each pixel of the display area of the screen, thereby significantly compressed size, to provide enterprises with greater freedom to design a display of various shapes.

For example, sharp presented a prototype display can be adapted to the car dashboard. But the company also said that these technologies also have the potential for wearable devices with elliptic display.

Non-rectangular LCD technologies will naturally be reminiscent of Apple iWatch rumors. At least one Analyst believes that this product will be a circular screen. But recent news that the device will use OLED display. However, the traditional form of LCD technology, will open the door to more devices, wearable devices especially when the increasing importance of the occasion.

In traditional devices such as iPhone and iPad have is Apple reducing the width of the border in the goal they hope will improve the proportion in the entire size of the screen. Sharp's technology will further advance this project, while Apple's device has also developed a special software to prevent user hand device against accidental touching of the screen generate unwanted effects.

Sharpe has not yet announced when it will be in the actual product using free-form display technology, but said that this technology is commercially available as soon as possible.

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