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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 7:04:45 Edit(编辑)
Scientists of the brain: how to kill Superman? ,

Scientists of the brain: how to kill Superman? ,(科学家的脑洞:怎样才能干掉超人?,)



Scientists of the brain: how to kill Superman? -Batman vs Superman, Batman, and Superman-IT information

Hollywood's latest movie ' Batman vs Superman (Batman vs. Superman) shows the confrontation between Batman and Superman for dozens of years. This movie may not be perfect, but it has raised a very important question: How can humans defeat the seemingly invincible, the near-demigod Superman?

I was contacted by a famous United States military scientists and weapons designers and put this question to him: the United States armed forces should respond to the last son of krypton?

"Superhuman strength, awesome," the unnamed scientist said, "he was almost flawless. ”

But Superman will still have some weakness, Americans can take advantage of these weaknesses to combat the problem. The scientists described his plans. Bluntly said that the plan as is Batman versus Superman in various ways by the real version.

Disclaimer: the following content to Batman vs Superman has a spoiler.

Batman rarely stand alone against Superman. Frank Miller (Frank Miller) of the comic the Dark Knight Returns (The Dark Knight Returns), Batman was awarded the green arrow's help. In the follow-up of the second coming of the Dark Knight (The Dark Knight Strikes Again), green arrow, Flash and the atom of three others in order to defeat Superman.

The weapons designer said he was in favour of Batman's team philosophy. "Flexible use of team is very important, in the course of the fight against Superman, information warfare and deadly weapons effects combine coordination is very important. ”

Batman was able to beat Superman in a fight, and the control of information is a big reason. Batman is smarter than Superman, and always plan ahead. Used to being part of the best Superman, but always foolhardy to fall into the trap set by Batman.

The military scientists said, he considered that the evil version of Clark Kent and weak. "Essentially, the evil one more weakness of Superman--complacency. We can use his pride, military and psychological warfare to attack him through deceit. ”

The scientist also proposed a plan-all Superman enemies can be called a place in the desert, and leads Superman.

However, I've got a better idea. We can means to imitate Batman and Lex Luthor, kidnapped Lois Lane, to lure Superman came to a certain place.

Once the last son of krypton come here, troops can jump from traps laid out. "We must most strong-protection ability--he can beat Superman fast cure capabilities, speed, and agility. ”

"Close to the speed of light and powerful, penetrating the destructive effects will be the key," he said, "the use of lethal radiation effects should be good, so defeat Superman may require us to use nuclear weapons. ”

Superman once nuclear's fight to survive. In order to be able to make nuclear weapons to Superman, causing fatal injuries, the army must first weaken his ability--using krypton. Batman knew this. So many times in a fight with Superman, Batman had used glowing green stone, to injury and superhuman strength.

"But these harmful rays takes a long time to slow play a role," the scientist explained. Batman often lures Superman near-Ray stone, but never used this stone to kill Superman. In ' Batman vs Superman and the Dark Knight Returns, stone into the spray, but even so, Batman can make Superman becomes weak, and unable to kill him.

But our goal is not just to make him weak. We are going to kill him. The weapons designer said krypton spray is the best weapon to kill Superman, but in this case, we must be on the battlefield is full of the radioactive green mist.

"A dose of instant sharp dose is crucial to completion of tasks," the scientists said. Fog in krypton, Superman steel body will gradually stumble stumble this to mankind's most lethal weapon to beat his time. An atom bomb. Oh no, actually several.

"Nuclear weapons provided a hodgepodge of various fatal form of acute radiation," the scientist said, "including neutrons (thermal and fast neutron), x rays, gamma rays, fission fragments, alpha particles and high-energy electrons (beta rays). ”

"Is one of the most penetrating fast neutrons and gamma rays, both produced in fusion reactions. Meanwhile, over small, hidden, driven by the fusion-fission bomb is detonated will work.

However, when against Superman, on how much nuclear weapons is considered to be "excessive"? Superman has survived being hit by nuclear weapons. In the Dark Knight Returns and Batman vs Superman, Superman is not intercontinental ballistic missiles to kill.

Of course, both supermen were almost dead. But when we tried to kill almost divine Superman, the "almost" means and failed. For security reasons, let us with 12 strategic nuclear weapons to counter him, a total of 6 million tons of TNT equivalent, good enough to kill millions of people.

The weapons designer said, armies of nuclear weapons should be shallow-buried beneath the surface, as long as you don't make a Superman sees on the line. Mine-said he wanted to use the atomic bomb to set traps, but I want to use Lois Lane.

Yes, we are likely to lose in the ensuing explosion, the intrepid reporter, but compared with the potential hazards of an evil Superman, a person's life which is the more important?

Like Superman has x-ray vision, so he may see nuclear-arms trap beneath the surface. However, the scientists said, for which he had to deal with. "X-ray sensitive detectors will make explosives all at once explode. ”

"In short, flawless is a myth," he said, "high energy neutrons, gamma rays and x-rays will defeat any defense. Superman's cells into plasma gas, and Superman got faster, unable to escape the nuclear weapons came close to the speed of light. ”

"This battle decisively at once to reach the top. Superhuman arrogance would evaporate in a mushroom cloud, and will not appear again. Do not refer to sequel. ”

科学家的脑洞:怎样才能干掉超人? - 蝙蝠侠大战超人,蝙蝠侠,超人 - IT资讯

好莱坞最近的电影《蝙蝠侠大战超人》(Batman vs. Superman)展现了蝙蝠侠和超人之间长达数十年的对抗。这部电影或许不那么尽如人意,但它却提出了一个很重要的问题:人类如何才能打败这位看似战无不胜,近乎半神的超人呢?





蝙蝠侠很少独自对抗超人。在弗兰克·米勒(Frank Miller)的漫画《黑暗骑士归来》(The Dark Knight Returns)中,蝙蝠侠就曾获得绿箭侠的帮助。在后续的《黑暗骑士再临》(The Dark Knight Strikes Again)中,绿箭侠、闪电侠和原子侠三人合力才能战胜超人。





















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