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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/9 5:32:48 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft’s most powerful strategies: adorable sister conquest couch potato,

Microsoft’s most powerful strategies: adorable sister conquest couch potato,

Microsoft's most powerful strategies: adorable daughter and conquered small Otaku-Microsoft ice, Cortana,Win8, MoE, sister, phonetic Assistant, chat robots-IT news Microsoft's most powerful strategies: adorable daughter and conquered Otaku

Talk about Microsoft's Enterprise temperament, always cautious, business vocabulary associated with such a relatively serious. But slightly back, an uncle of the face under the enterprise, Microsoft actually has a adorable sister inside.

You know, as Overlord in the enterprise of science and technology, Microsoft's products are always male and look more closely. According to unreliable estimates that half the boys entered the female dormitory on the grounds that fixing computers, half the things to the girls in the computer reinstall the system. Therefore, in order to attract such a user group, boasts a wealth of adorable sister figure Microsoft's marketing strategy.

"Little ice" is adorable sister image of Microsoft's newest product, whether it is head, or internship Product Manager (voice) "milk tea sisters" or are cute cute sister course. Micro, Microsoft, Zhang Zetian, Liu Qiangdong, Jingdong this five-way relationship is complex, like a showbiz story omitted not. Here look at Microsoft's recent images of adorable sister and Otaku capture strategies.

Microsoft's Qi ice

This is what we commonly call the "little ice", directly in their microblogging describes says, "I'm the one Microsoft is the leading actress" avatar is a beauty, and cartoon characters. Functions well, believed that many people had a brief experience in the micro, the rough equivalent of chat bot Pro for the little yellow chicken. However, head to little ice is adorable and feminine style, tea sisters internship product manager at Microsoft, and little ice press release also became the subject of the report.

In fact, Microsoft's vision is certainly not just a chat robot, an Assistant product instead of artificial intelligence, in the form of an open platform to connect users and data behind the Bing search.

And after a micro break, micro Microsoft complaint letter, while hezonglianheng connections and rice would talk about cooperation, Yi Xin Bao, touch and other big domestic applications, it is noted that future Microsoft has more on the small ice movement.

Aisawa IE girls praying

Asian anime festival on the AFA last year, Microsoft released IE browser official anime image Aisawa praying, accompanied by an animation of a very secondary,IE browser change Sailor Moon vs the evil robots. Aisawa pray lovely second-Yuan image was captured many Otaku, said IE doesn't want to black anymore. Along with Aisawa Keyes, Lumia mobile, Surface related to Microsoft Tablet PC and ergonomic mouse has a mirror.

Associated with Aisawa praying for, is a Taiwan spokesman for Microsoft Silverlight Lan Zeguang, watch the name indicates that two people are related.

Not only is IE has its own MoE girl image, including Microsoft Azure services have similar personification appears.

Windows with the Windows family

Said a second image, Japan is certainly not beyond the present. Therefore, Aisawa Chi Lan Zeguang sisters, Japan Microsoft launched Windows family, Windows biannainaimei, Windows, Windows is Windows in the three sisters love Japan's image.

On a title plan and diagram window biannainaimei name is very interesting, "the window" clearly corresponds to the Windows, while "nainaimei" is a Japanese "ななみ (Nanami)" says, "I I" in Japanese, it is the meaning of the number 7, we know that biannainaimei is the Windows Windows7 spokesman. Window and the window love is Windows8 and RT's cute image. Earlier systems, such as DOS, Win95, also has its own window, the family folk doujin works.

This image not only exists in the virtual world, in the real world, Japan also has such a cartoon image of Windows system for sale. Family loving man because the window is located, as well as Microsoft's huge power, attracted many civil Coser to Cos these images, such as the following figure was designed to commemorate the lost official support of Windows XP.

Sexy female Assistant Cortana

If small ice, Aisawa said Chi, the window correspond to the family is the Oriental aesthetic, Microsoft has high hopes for aesthetic Cortana is catering to Westerners.

This from the game Halo Master Chief portable AI AI became Microsoft products on behalf of, and has a very clear human personalities, interactions with the user are more like exchanges between people.

In his image, sexy hot figure than many Otaku nose spray. In the big bang theory, Raj and the only female voices of Siri to spiritual love, hotter than a Penny if it is foreseen that Cortana is estimated to be abandoned, Howard.

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