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published in(发表于) 2016/8/21 9:42:55 Edit(编辑)
Back to the top of the world! “Never give up“ for Chinese women’s volleyball team won the Rio Olympics,

Back to the top of the world! “Never give up“ for Chinese women’s volleyball team won the Rio Olympics,(重回世界之巅!“永不放弃”让中国女排里约奥运会夺冠,)



Back to the top of the world! "Never give up" for Chinese women's volleyball team won the Rio Olympics-China's women's volleyball team, the Rio Olympic Games, women's volleyball-IT information

Remember this moment! 11:02, that is, at this moment, after 12 years of trial insisted that Chinese women's volleyball team defeated Serbia team was returning to the Olympic gold medal! On the field, the girls hug scene makes the whole of China are in tears. We seem to see their 12 years had accused, disappointment, now they can stand before the world and tell everyone: the Chinese women's volleyball team! Never give up! Their volleyball team is superb!

How many 12-year life? Number 12 is silent, repressed their grief, suffering from outside attacks, even foreign media of China Women's volleyball team was "second-rate volleyball team"!

12 years ago, the Chinese women's volleyball team, invincible, has aroused the vigilance of all countries, and their superior skills and never-say-die spirit, all the way through, China Women's volleyball the sign in the world began, fame, numerous trophy. It is not an individual, is the Group's Awards, is to pass by the Chinese women's volleyball team spirit: dedication, teamwork, self-improvement!

But the succession was interrupted, their legendary once disappeared, when the height of the station, after facing so many helpless and stress.

When racing on the Chinese women's volleyball team record:

1, 1981, the third session of the women's Volleyball World Cup, Chinese women's volleyball team won their first Championship trophy in the world;

2, 1982, the Nineth world women's Volleyball Championship victory over Peru to win;

3, 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Chinese women's volleyball team won the Olympic title, global sensation;

4, 1985 World Cup title;

5, 1986, the tenth World Championship title, the world volleyball the top ... ...

Chinese women volleyball team at that time like today's table tennis team, and allow all people to be assured, is China's most uncompromising expedition team. As long as they appear, shouts, cheering sound is excited with the whole of China, everyone knows, no team can match China's women's volleyball team!

Maybe success too easily, perhaps veterans retired, brilliant far away. 04, the Chinese women's volleyball team won in Athens their last piece of gold at that time, it began to go downhill. Coach cautious, not the opening of a new, tactics are more conservative, and in 08 Beijing Olympics, suffered a Waterloo, just won the bronze medal.

Myth shattered what it is? You didn't create a myth does not have any right to speak of an era, Chinese women's volleyball team in the national mind was the existence of God, and how vulnerable people today accept girls suffered from blame in all directions.

In order to revive, even for three Chinese women volleyball team manager. Frequent replacement, did not bring significant results, but hurt the spirit, 12 London Games, Chinese women's volleyball team stop 8, became a second-tier team in the world.

Faced with this situation, 13, has the "Iron Hammer," said Lang ping coaches accepted the task of State, served as the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Lang ping coaches are 80 world recognized "three main Spikers", one of the volleyball tactics and training has its own approach and trust new people, the veteran exception value. She said: I hope I'm up there any substitutes as a Wolf, with that kind of spirit.

China Chinese women volleyball team is to see how she will come back to life, she did it!

1, August 13, the world women's volleyball Grand Prix Championship;

2 and 14 women's Volleyball World Championships runner-up;

3, led the Chinese women's volleyball team won the World Cup 15.

Everyone saw the rise of the Chinese women's volleyball team once again hope to witness their brilliance, low hope today, they are the pride of China! So at the current session of the Rio games, the Chinese women's volleyball team and Brazil step press score, tension more than girls on the playground, and the entire China.

When the girls out of the Brazil team, how many people in front of the screen tearing, how many people were wiping tears as they shout, shout into the throat hoarse. 12, they bounce back again at last, appears in the eyes of the world, they are timeless classics, is the indomitable Chinese women's volleyball team!

No one knows how this 12 is coming, the players go, they all have different scars, just covered up as well, was aware of can't, only to cry alone. Team member Hui Ruoqi heart discomfort, had to do minimally invasive surgery; Xu yunli suffered cruciate ligament rupture; Wei qiuyue knee injury, rehabilitation several times ... ... Crises again and again, bite it through again and again, and this time, their scars appear with honor, in response to the Chinese women's volleyball team spirit never die!

In order to continue the glory of Chinese women's volleyball team, young girls with the spelling of spirit made a most satisfactory answers. Against Brazil at the women's volleyball team, the other at a time of tensions agitating the audience supported Brazil audience booing the girls, an attempt to destabilize China, but in reverse, eliminated Brazil; even more against the Netherlands Shi, with 29:27 points to win the finals.

Slight edge is the most resilient spirit of hard work and girls, everyone knew, at that moment, a former Chinese women's volleyball team came back! All the glory will come back!

Today's battle of the peak, the girls changed the silence past the group stage, the whole excitement, teamwork, in the first inning when lost, Lang ping coaches just talk to the girls and said, again! Girls step by step in consolidating defense, Serbia began to distrust, competition reached 1:1.

Third 15:10, when the Chinese team lead, Serbia coach began to roar, change assists team members. China still continues to methodically, won the third game in a row, leading!

After minutes of the Chase, the score close to the heat of the entire stadium is fired up to a peak, the girls will play their life energy in the moment. 24:23 in the fourth inning of the first occasion of the championship points, the girls struggle to fight, take a stranger 12 years of Olympic champion! Audience cheering, cheering the whole of China are in!

Today, let us remember this moment again! Seven 11:02 in the morning! This is a historic moment! Chinese women's volleyball team, silent 12 won the Rio Olympic women's volleyball gold at the moment! They are the pride of Chinese people! Is a world-class team! Is the return of the King!

重回世界之巅!“永不放弃”让中国女排里约奥运会夺冠 - 中国女排,里约奥运会,女排 - IT资讯






1、1981 第三届女排世界杯大赛,中国女排首次获得世界冠军奖杯;

2、1982 第九届世界女排锦标赛战胜秘鲁,获得冠军;

3、1984 洛杉矶奥运会,中国女排获得奥运会冠军,引起全球轰动;

4、1985 世界杯夺冠;

5、1986 第十届世锦赛夺冠,登上了世界排球顶峰.....




















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