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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 9:03:07 Edit(编辑)
Buynow price with low back machine: return to depreciation,

Buynow price with low back machine: return to depreciation,(百脑汇电脑城高价买回低配机:退货要交折旧费,)



Buynow price with low back machine: depreciation-return to Broadway, laptop-IT information

After the media, involved "Guangzhou Yu-source" agreed to a full refund, buynow serious investigation into false false price action. Want to buy Lenovo ThinkPad E460 Duo CPU, but in sales of "recommended" buy the lower-performance Lenovo N40-30, also came to pay 100 Yuan post. On Saturday, the Guangzhou bainaohui computer city, Tianhe, Shay was a company called "Guangzhou Yu-source" shops "fudge". He suffers from so much, find out refunds are made after the store refused, and Broadway contact center mediation has not worked.

The bait:

After paying the worker recommended another model

The afternoon of March 19, small for pointing this out to the bainaohui computer city, intends to purchase an Office laptop. Xiaoxie memories, some discussion of the selected Lenovo ThinkPad E460, Bell named Assistant in charge of sales at this time, do not invoice paid directly in cash, this machine only 4400 Yuan.

Use PayPal transfer payment, a woman who claims to be system xiaoxie after-sales staff go before started to grumble and the models of "problems". "She said 40% or 50% of the aftermarket repair this machine, the blue screen of death two or three hours, and sales (Bell) got a phone. ”

"I also do not really understand about computers, was all of a sudden they have been, woman sales clerk recommended me again after that one. "Finally, Xie duo paid 100 Yuan in cash, then get the 14-inch" Association N40-30 "laptop, and at the request of the other party spend 299 Yuan to attach the film to the computer screen.


Discover the difference of nearly 2000 Yuan

Return denied

Because of cell phone batteries, Shay back home have the opportunity to query this "N40-30" price, and to his surprise. "This machine off the shelves in many online shopping platform, and similarly configured computers, now offers up to 2700 Yuan. ”

Next day morning, small thanks on found businesses negotiations, requirements return processing, but "Guangzhou reputation source" of shop long King Mr is Caine said, this paragraph computer itself no quality problem, only as second-hand computer recycling, "to received I 25% of ′ depreciation fee ′, is more than 1200 more Yuan", if to into previously selected of ThinkPad E460, "also not by zhiqian 4400 Yuan of price, said is to by Lenovo officer online of highest quotes sold I".

Strongly disagree with the plan′s Shay immediately complained to Broadway contact center, customer service center under the mediation, the store refuses to refund unconditionally, the two sides broke up, and Shay decided to complain to the media and ask for help.


No problem will not be a full refund

Yesterday at 1 o′clock in the afternoon, new Express Reporter friends accompanying xiaoxie involved "Guangzhou Yu-source" about the case. A Manager surnamed Wang said, the store′s distributor of Lenovo computers, because laptop computers do not belong to FMCG, so Shay computers purchased by the premise of quality is not a problem, not a full refund and payment 25% "depreciation" approach, it is the company′s internal regulations.

Using CPU Pentium series of computers sold to the high price of 4500 Yuan, so normal? Wang Dian said the tradeshow floor price is 3999, stores can rise up to 25%, so there is no problem. "Someone is willing to sell you over more than 2000 other people′s things, no point asking me to sell. ”

Express Press clear identity, Wang Dian long changed to say it can consult and offer to take reporters to a service center. Later, a man claiming to head office personnel arrived here, asking specific things after Shay, Shay to the men, 3/f, for a full refund.

Store response:

Has been committed against a merchant violation points management system

At this point, the Guangdong evening of Broadway business facilities lease management limited said in a statement sent to, entered the store businesses are closely controlled and administrative measures for the introduction of a points system vendor irregularities. False false prices, as traders sell, buy sell, and points processing stores, such as merchants fine processing is not correct. In addition, if the business during the contract period the point too much, mall stores, and not to renew.

百脑汇电脑城高价买回低配机:退货要交折旧费 - 百脑汇,笔记本电脑 - IT资讯

媒体介入后,涉事的“广州誉源”同意全额退款,百脑汇电脑城称将严查虚假虚价行为。本想购买采用酷睿CPU的联想ThinkPad E460,却在销售人员的“建议”下买到性能较低的联想N40-30,还稀里糊涂地补交了100元差价。上周六,广州市民小谢就这样被天河区百脑汇电脑城一家名为“广州誉源”的商铺“忽悠”了。更令他不爽的是,自己发现问题后提出的退货要求却被店家拒绝,而百脑汇客服中心的调解也得不到效果。



3月19日下午,小谢来到百脑汇电脑城,打算购买一台用于办公的笔记本电脑。小谢回忆,一番讨论后选定了联想ThinkPad E460,负责销售的钟姓店员此时表示,不开发票直接付现金的话,这款机子只要4400元。







次日一早,小谢就找到商家交涉,要求退货处理,但“广州誉源”的店长王先生却坚称,这款电脑本身没有质量问题,只能作为二手电脑回收,“要收我25%的‘折旧费’,就是1200多元”,如果要换成此前选定的ThinkPad E460,“也不是按之前4400元的价,说是要按联想官网上的最高报价卖给我”。










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