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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/5 7:17:03 Edit(编辑)
Mobile payments: ideal fullness, real skinny,

Mobile payments: ideal fullness, real skinny,(移动支付:理想丰满,现实骨感,)

Mobile payments: ideal fullness, real skinny-mobile payment-IT news Mobile payments: ideal fullness, real skinny

Square,LevelUp, and Clinkle, they can demonstrate a basic fact, which is: do pay for this line really is not easy Ah!

On a Saturday morning, you're knocked out. You spend all day shopping, in order to go with the latest spring fashion trends, you have to buy many new clothes. When you walk around in the city centre, and may be stopped to buy a cup of coffee, grab a sandwich and buy a pack of gum. You may also walk into a hardware store, and picked a couple of nails, then go home and nailed to the wall a painting. Finally, you walk into a Wal-Mart or Target store and bought a brand new laundry basket. Well, all of these acts, all have in common?

The answer is that you just do every thing, is expensive. However, in the process, you have much chances, will hand over your Smartphone to pay pay for it?

Concepts of mobile payment has been out for three years, then you do in an actual retail store, using a smartphone payment? Now think about it, seems to be a lot of products are also blown out. Let us return to 2011, when, from the entrepreneur's mouth seems to pop up a lot and mobile payments-related technical terms, such as Smartphones, mobile wallet, QR, short distance wireless communication technology (NFC), and so on. Everybody feels that these technologies could soon revolutionize the way people pay transactions.

However, truly accept mobile payments to consumers and businesses, it is not an easy thing, but reality is always cruel.

For technicians, and they would tear tender, mainly due to two reasons, one is they thought, money, is essentially a data science and, secondly, with the advancement of technology, as well as the ubiquitous computer networks, they can provide a payment platform, and also to change the basic payments.

But in the end, each trying to enter the payment industry companies find an indisputable fact, and that is, payment of this line is not as simple as we think.

Four examples of striving in the payment industry

I would like to give you four examples, it can be said in the payment field is very competitive, and I would like to sell a guanzi, let us not to disclose the specific names of the four companies. However, the four companies all have different problems, and these problems, others want to bring trouble entering the paid area of the company.

When company a start, is a gaming company based on user location, and Foursquare have similar, but they can develop a tepid, and after a few years, the company began to transition into the payment industry, they have developed an App application, a merchant rules, and QR codes. Today, the company is still in development, but their size does not meet investors ' expectations.

Company b is in 5 years Qian established of, they let credit card paid became everywhere, the company development has a paragraph can connection user smart phone and tablet computer of reader, also, this company also raised has over 300 million dollars of funds, currently company b business development of very huge, products certainly also is by welcomes, but, while last year the company processing has 20 billion dollars of paid trading, And income of 550 million dollars, but in 2013 they remain at a loss, and losses of as much as $ 100 million!

Company c began at Stanford University a class assignment, the founder can be regarded as a child prodigy, and of course he's ambitious, confident can change the way people use your Smartphone to handle payment. Silicon Valley, the company received a seed round of financing of entrepreneurial history, but after the company ran into a controversy after another, although they made a lot of promises, and blowing their hype, but so far, the company even did not launch a product.

If the bricks-and-mortar businesses, no QR code scanner does not support short-range wireless communication technologies, smart phone made what changes, to provide pay dealing? company d has come up with a way. They raised more than $ 10 million Fund, and together with partners launched their own products. At first, venture companies and technology community cheered, but soon they find out that this company is just a transitional product, they must be able to provide a more reliable solution.

Everyone wanted to know who are the four companies it? well, now to find out. Company a is the LevelUp, they are headquartered in Boston, before into the area of payment, they developed a geographically based service SCVNGR game applications. Company b is the Square, their boss is also Twitter co-founder jiekeduoxi, the company provides a reader-based intelligent mobile payment system. Author is mocking the company c was actually Clinkle, the company was founded by Lucas Stanford graduates Duplan. Company d called the Loop, they create electronic dog and Smartphone shell, users can take advantage of the current POS systems available of electro-magnetic card scanner, you can make mobile payments.

These companies, every House has a problem. Square problems in revenue and earnings of the company; LevelUp needs a marketing technology platform, enabling meaningful business expansion; Loop is a transitional technology solutions to attract consumers; Clinkle, well, it should at least truth in their own way to develop a business. It can be said that all these companies are facing extraordinary challenges.

Mobile payments on this hard road is not alone in these companies. Google also entered the field of mobile payments, and developed a model based on NFC wallet, but they're not as it was supposed to be, for a larger breakthrough, of course, has not been able to occupy an actual retail store. Some network operators, such as T-Mobile,AT&T, as well as Verizon, they are using NFC technology to develop the Isis mobile wallet, but this product is basically dead. Payment technology eco-system as a whole, we find that the most basic operating principles are quite difficult.

LevelUp dilemma

LevelUp is located in Boston, in 2012, the company was famed. They unveiled a new mobile wallet platform, by scanning a QR code will be able to pay for local businesses. LevelUp's goal, is hoping to create a "0 charges" world, LevelUp companies hope to make each payment transaction cost becomes 0, and the vast majority of payment processing companies, such as Visa and MasterCard, their processing fee is around 2.75%. LevelUp company recruited a large number of sales team, development App application and its enormous, LevelUp, this App is an open platform that allows online retailers and online payment services.

However, after 1.5 years, you barely hear LevelUp company any special messages. Maybe by chance you can find this company still exists (of course, there might also be in the Boston area), but you found out in 2013, LevelUp, Chief Executive, Seth Priesbatch and his crew almost no achievements.

Last week, the visit LevelUp Priesbatch ReadWrite invited foreign science and technology media headquarters, he talked about the company's progress. The modest payment company very frank, released some figures, they admit there is no profit, and that in such a brutal market reality, the company has had to make some adjustments.

Here are some figures to LevelUp company reported:

· In the United States there are 14,000 merchants accept LevelUp, but some of them belong to inactive merchants

· LevelUp integration cooperated with 50 POS machine manufacturers

· On average transaction amount less than US $ 10

· Incentive and loyalty marketing programs based on LevelUp's request, every charge about 10% are intended to compensate, retailers ' credit

· LevelUp processing fee will be 2.5%, 10% converts the transaction amount of points, for example, if you paid $ 100 by LevelUp, of which 10% are converted to points, which is 10 credits, LevelUp 2.5 million dollars.

· In the United States, accept the LevelUp businesses in the food industry

· LevelUp handling approximately 600,000 transactions per month.

LevelUp, Chief Executive of Priesbatch estimates they will probably be next year before earnings, however, at the moment, LevelUp hopes to transform into a third-party payment services company.

Mobile payment woes

Every time I talk about mobile payment company, will ask the same question, that is the end consumer or merchant side, will also increase?

This question seems like asking first, the chicken or the egg.

If you want a widespread mobile payments, some powerful partners is essential, such as banks, payment processors, merchants, and technology companies like Google and Apple. Also need to have a strong sales force, entity merchant and POS providers accept mobile payments.

From the consumer side of extension is very, very difficult, embedded in the payment of company needs technology solutions to eliminate barriers in the middle. An analogy, if I can get a merchant using Square or LevelUp purse, and then to another merchant won't be, so I don't want to have to use these products. In addition to these difficulties, there are other potential obstacles, that payment is for Internet companies, such as Visa, MasterCard and United States express, etc, they are not willing to make mobile payments in the Bowl pie.

Many problems in mobile payment, but the most fundamental is this article mentioned at the beginning of that sentence: payment is not an easy thing. Promotion, income, consumers and businesses, partners, sales, advertising, there are people, these are changing the payments industry factors, of course, they also are obstacles to hinder the development of payment industry.


移动支付:理想丰满,现实骨感 - 移动支付 - IT资讯














大家是不是很想知道上述四家公司都是谁呢?好吧,现在来揭晓答案。公司A就是LevelUp,他们总部位于波士顿,在涉足支付领域之前,他们开发的是基于地理位置服务的SCVNGR游戏应用。公司B就是Square,他们的老板也是Twitter联合创始人杰克多西,该公司提供了基于读卡器的智能手机支付系统。笔者嘲讽的公司C,其实是Clinkle,该公司是斯坦福毕业生Lucas Duplan创立的。公司D名叫Loop,他们开发了一款电子狗和智能手机壳,用户可以利用当前POS系统里现有的电磁卡扫描器,就可以进行移动支付了。





不过,一年半之后,你已经几乎听不到LevelUp公司什么特别的消息了。也许偶然你能发现这家公司还存在(当然啦,在波士顿地区可能还存在),但是你发现在2013年,LevelUp公司首席执行官Seth Priesbatch和他的员工几乎毫无建树。


















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