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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:09:11 Edit(编辑)
Can’t handle the national grid, Tesla’s first major tragedy

Can’t handle the national grid, Tesla’s first major tragedy(搞不定国家电网,特斯拉首批车主要悲剧,)

Can't handle the national grid, Tesla's first car mostly tragedy-Tesla, Tesla,Model s, charging electric vehicles-IT information Can't handle the national grid, Tesla's first main tragedy

"Two days before the company engineer testing, filling a dozen hours, only less than 100 miles, according to the case, if you use frequently, almost every day to recharge. "The first Tesla owner, Xu Liang (a pseudonym) still has any concerns about the car. He told reporters that worry most about is the issue of charging, if you use the normal outlets too slow, I intend to put a charging, which cost about 10,000 yuan.

In fact, Tesla prior to entry into China, their charging infrastructure construction was controversial. Today, the Tesla has announced high profile 734,000 yuan "prices", but the reporter learned from the situation, and its preparations for entering the Chinese market are not sufficient and Max get in the way of it's power system . The industry believes that, If you can't handle the national grid, did not rule out the Tesla built their own solar-powered charging station .

According to Tesla's commitment to China's first batch of Model s will take place in March, but Tesla still shows no signs of building charging stations, public charging infrastructure only try Beijing fangcaodi Jingang service station stores and two, so the first majority owner home recharge only. In order to accelerate the pace of charging, the owner needs to change grid lines at home, and Tesla to let property owners with their own communications.

Rechargeable security concerns

In the Tesla showroom, reporters saw a Model s Center at the exhibition hall is being charged, is a normal household outlet.

"Tesla's DC socket there are many, but with an ordinary outlet slowest most unstable. Therefore, we recommend that customers install our charging, in order to provide stable current. Charging rate also depends on the size can provide power. "The showroom staff, told reporters.

According to Tesla staff, determined by the voltage and current of electricity. Grid systems by China and the United States, unlike electricity 220V voltage, currents, in principle, the greater the power becomes stronger.

A national grid, insiders told reporters: " to improve power, either upgrading or increasing current. But upgrading makes current instability and, in General, only the factory can apply to the high voltage of 380V, electricity is difficult to ratify. Increase current needs to be approved by the local power supply company. At the same time, meter, circuit needs to change accordingly, otherwise there will be a security risk . ”

Those reminders, current electricity current interval between 1.5A to 6 a, wanted from 10A to 100A, it is difficult to be approved by the Bureau . Unless Tesla with local power supply Bureau coordination, would be too much.

Xinhua learned from several other Tesla owners and current attitude is Tesla charging, hope that the consultation with the property owners themselves, departments which did not inform owners of the application, are not arranged.

In addition, the owner to modify the circuit to increase current, still needs approval by the Fire Department, leaving these puzzle Tesla owners .

According to the survey, China's first batch of Tesla owners to engage in financial, Internet and successful people are the majority . These owners purchased the Tesla more out of worship of technology, treating them as status symbols.

Tesla now public charging network in China have not yet established, these drivers will charge also has its own garage, if it is not a single compound, at least parking spaces need a recharge. It seems that it's just a local despot "toys".


搞不定国家电网,特斯拉首批车主要悲剧 - 特斯拉,Tesla,Model S,充电桩,电动汽车 - IT资讯



按照特斯拉的承诺,中国第一批Model S将于3月份交车,但特斯拉至今仍没有建设充电站的迹象,公共充电设施只有北京市芳草地试营店和金港客服站两处,因此首批车主大部分只能在家里充电。为了加快充电速度,车主需要变更家中的电网线路,而特斯拉却让车主自行与物业沟通。


在特斯拉展厅,记者看到,位于展厅正中的一辆Model S正在充电,用的就是普通的家用插座。










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