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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/11 9:23:39 Edit(编辑)
Upload your own nude photos, girls aged 16 in a lot of trouble,

Upload your own nude photos, girls aged 16 in a lot of trouble,(上传自己的裸照,16岁少女惹上大麻烦,)

Upload your own nude photos, 16 year old girl get in a lot of trouble-the self-timer, Twitter-IT information Upload your own nude photos, girls aged 16 in a lot of trouble

According to foreign media reports, a 16 year old girl abroad has cut its own "topless" on Twitter, got into big trouble in the near future.

The girl from United States, California, (the media) since she was "playful", has its own set of topless on Twitter.

16 year old girl publish a nude photo

Soon after, local police received a report found the playful girl and decided to sue her "dissemination of child pornography." Police said the girl's "topless" not topless in General, but "no naked pictures of little imagination space to others".

Police also said that besides the girl would be charged with "dissemination of child pornography", any spread her topless, who will also be charged with "dissemination of child pornography".

Pictured above is one of a topless for more imagination, which is the only picture I can find.


上传自己的裸照,16岁少女惹上大麻烦 - 自拍,Twitter - IT资讯








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