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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/1 1:00:29 Edit(编辑)
Only US $ 6.185 billion in net profit, and IBM executives give up bonuses,

Only US $ 6.185 billion in net profit, and IBM executives give up bonuses,(净利润才61.85亿美元,IBM高管放弃年终奖,)

Only US $ 6.185 billion in net profit, and IBM executives give up bonuses-IBM-IT information Only US $ 6.185 billion in net profit, and IBM executives give up bonuses

Last week, IBM released the fiscal year 2013 last quarter and full year earnings. Reports show that IBM fourth quarter revenues of US $ 27.699 billion, US $ 29.304 billion fell five per cent on last year, and net profit of US $ 6.185 billion, $ 5.833 billion over the same period last year grew by 6%. IBM fourth-quarter per-share earnings exceeded analysts ' expectations, but the 2014 fiscal year performance Outlook and revenue failed to meet expectations.

Due to poor performance, IBM CEO Luo Ruilan (Ginni Rometty) and the company's senior management team has offered to give up the end of 2013. According to documents submitted by IBM on Friday showed that IBM remuneration Committee (Compensation Committee) has approved the request. IBM said that Luo Ruilan in 2014 will remain $ 1.5 million base salary unchanged.

IBM said in a paper last year, Luo Ruilan annual bonus increased to $ 4 million, was already retired at the end of last year, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of make·luoliji (Mark Loughridge) year-end awards more than $ 1 million, head of software shidifen·miersi (Steven Mills) bonus for $ 968,000.

United States local time Friday, IBM shares fell 68 cents, up $ 176.68. Last year, IBM's share price was down at 13%.


净利润才61.85亿美元,IBM高管放弃年终奖 - IBM - IT资讯


由于业绩不佳,IBM CEO罗睿兰(Ginni Rometty)及该公司高级管理层团队主动提出将放弃2013年年终奖。根据IBM周五提交的文件显示,IBM报酬委员会(compensation committee)已经批准了该请求。IBM表示,罗睿兰在2014年的基本工资仍将保持150万美元不变。

IBM曾在去年的一份文件中表示,罗睿兰的年度奖励增至400万美元,已于去年年底退休的公司首席财务官(CFO)马克·洛里基(Mark Loughridge)年终奖超过100万美元,软件部门主管史蒂芬·米尔斯(Steven Mills)的年终奖为96.8万美元。



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