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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:17:11 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft and the Ministry of education signed a strategic cooperation memorandum,

Microsoft and the Ministry of education signed a strategic cooperation memorandum,(微软与教育部签署战略合作备忘录,)

Microsoft-Microsoft signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with Ministry of education, Ministry of education-IT information Microsoft and the Ministry of education signed a strategic cooperation memorandum

Microsoft's January 8, with the Ministry of education signed the memorandum of cooperation phase III cooperative strategies of education informatization in China and commitment over the next five years to continue to fully support China's educational development, power up Chinese education information, and with the Ministry of education jointly exploring new ways of cultivating talents in the new era. According to the memorandum, in the next five years, the Ministry of education in cooperation with Microsoft's strategy in education public campus in widely used Microsoft Office 365 cloud service; introducing international quality education resources and advanced technology, providing training services for teachers; to tutor enhanced "21st century learning" skills and spare no effort to enhance the education of the 21st century education revitalizing action-oriented plan of implementation, and teaching content reform plans.

In the past ten years, the Ministry has signed with Microsoft's use of Chinese education informatization strategy memorandum of cooperation in terms of education Informationization and teacher training, has achieved significant results. Both sides combined with the Ministry of education "project of modern distance education in rural areas" and "educational technology standards for teachers" project, developed high quality resources, training teachers, building into classrooms the pilot programme. At the same time, based on "partnership for student" project, three teachers around innovation, innovation, innovation students co-operation, application and demonstration of the establishment of information technology in teaching and learning process, so far, there have been more than 60 million Chinese students to participate in Microsoft's hand in hand project.

Third period strategy memorandum of cooperation will be in the first two periods on the basis of successful cooperation between the greater emphasis on the integration of information technology and education development in order to promote education innovation and personnel training, and supports the development of internationalization of higher education as the goal, to create a whole set of solution of educational Informationization, improving educational ecosystems in China. The partnership will focus on "teaching and learning" innovation model in three ways:

· To public clouds based on Office 365, Microsoft education services. In provides school, and teachers, and students resources share friendly of while, promotion the small team of collaboration and interactive participation courses; powerful of cloud storage for shared learning information provides is big space; instant communication tool, makes student, and students Zhijian Exchange smooth mastery; all data are has security, unified of free mail account, will building set collaboration and communication for one of security cloud teaching environment. Cloud services through education, Microsoft, together with the Ministry of education will help open innovation of operational mechanism and management pattern in colleges and universities.

· Provide 21st century learning to design the overall solution. Microsoft will be designed for in line with the 21st century skills teaching reform in 21 steps, case, designed for schools and teachers include reform of teaching and learning, leading change, management, implementation, review and assessment in five stages, such as skills training. Through the integrated courseware develop educational ecosystems upstream and downstream, to provide teachers and students with new teaching mode of application and experience. Experts will provide instructions on how to implement a one-to-one teaching, how to manage deployments, as well as in the teaching reform and classroom learning how to apply, so as to enable schools to achieve 21st century learning design, to fundamentally solve the purpose of educational change.

· Provide application based on modern teaching equipment and teacher training. Microsoft will be introducing high quality international educational resources for schools, as well as Microsoft's customized training for teachers, such as TWT (Teaching with Technology) courses, online courses go beyond the technical aspects of it, helping teachers with a deeper understanding of how to use information technology to enhance the teaching experience, enhance students ' 21st century skills, improve teaching efficiency. The course with the globally recognized UNESCO teacher competency framework (ICT-CFT) corresponds to the technical literacy, aimed at improving the skills of teachers in modern teaching environment, and with "interactive, touch and experience"-oriented teaching model of the 21st century smooth butt.

Power on the road of educational Informationization development of China, Microsoft always maintain good cooperation with the educational institutions from all over. In November 2012, uses Microsoft's leading provider of cloud technologies and Windows8 tablet, Hongkou district, Shanghai's ' digital teaching and learning ' pilot project officially fall, Hongkou district, "electronic schoolbags pilot project" models of innovative led technology into the classroom and teaching reform;in September 2013, the full Surface RT, more than 300 of the country's University teaching computer as a next-generation devices , Applying teaching and interaction teaching promote electronics teaching; in addition, Microsoft will be held in China in June 2014 "Imagine Cup" (Imagine Cup) international student competition finals, the competition has become the world's leading student athletics, currently lives on the Chinese students to participate in. The future, Microsoft will continue on China's long-term development strategy and a long-term investment commitment to the cause of education.


微软与教育部签署战略合作备忘录 - 微软,教育部 - IT资讯

微软1月8日与教育部签署《中国教育信息化第三期合作战略合作备忘录》,承诺在未来五年中继续全力支持中国教育事业的发展,助力中国教育信息化进程,并与教育部共同拓展新时代人才培养的全新途径。根据该备忘录,在未来五年中,教育部与微软的战略合作将在校园中广泛采用微软教育公有云服务Office 365;引进国际优质教学资源与先进技术,为教师提供培训服务;以指导教师增强“21世纪学习设计”技能,全力推进教育部《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》的实施以及教学内容改革计划。



• 提供基于Office 365的微软教育公有云服务。在提供学校、教师、学生资源分享便利的同时,促进各小团队的协作和互动参与课程;强大的云存储为共享学习资料提供很大空间;即时沟通工具,使得师生、学生之间交流顺畅通达;所有数据都有安全保护,统一的免费邮件账号,将构建集协作与沟通为一体的安全云教学环境。通过教育云服务,微软与教育部将共同助力高校开启运行机制和管理的创新模式。


提供基于现代化教学设备和应用的教师培训。微软将为学校引进优质国际教育资源以及微软为教师定制的系列培训,如TWT(Teaching with Technology)课程,其在线课程超越学习技术的层面,帮助教师深入地理解如何利用信息技术加强教学体验,提升学生21世纪技能,提高教学效率。该课程与全球公认的联合国教科文组织的教师能力框架(ICT-CFT)的技术素养相对应,旨在提高教师在现代教学环境下的科技技能,与以“互动、触控、体验”为主导的21世纪的教学模式平滑对接。

在助力中国教育信息化发展的道路上,微软始终与各地教育机构保持着良好的合作。2012年11月,利用微软全球领先的云技术和Windows8平板设备,上海虹口区的‘数字化教与学’试点项目正式落地,虹口区“电子书包试点项目”成为创新科技进入课堂并带动教学改革的典范;2013年9月,全国超过300个大学全面采用Surface RT电脑作为新一代教学设备,教学应用和互动教学推动电子化教学;此外,微软将于2014年6月在中国举办“创新杯”(Imagine Cup)全球学生大赛总决赛,该比赛已经成为全球顶尖的学生科技竞技,目前已有20多万名中国学生参与。未来,微软还将延续对中国教育事业的长远发展战略和长期投资承诺。


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