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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:44:55 Edit(编辑)
7 men tied to 580 Samsung and Apple mobile entry to be checked,

7 men tied to 580 Samsung and Apple mobile entry to be checked,(7名男子身绑580部三星和苹果手机入境被查,)



7 men tied to 580 Samsung and Apple Phone entry-IT was found-the customs information

On June 15, shortly before the information IT reports a woman crotch hid 3000 memory card through the news, causing many users concerned. Similar news but nothing to customs, Shenzhen's Huanggang customs and Excise Department said today, which closed 5 minutes check tied 7 passenger carrying 580 phone entry case, involving over 1.3 million Yuan.

According to customs personnel, this 7 "tied" forty or fifty years old uncle, tied their personal possession of 74, 102, 75, 104, 105, 75, 45 phone entry, all mobile phone brands for Apple iPhone series and Samsung s series, tied to hidden parts in the waist, abdomen and legs.

Customs officers found that they all have multiple excess baggage, gigs or carrying prohibited goods, are all examples of "water". One passenger even just half a month ago had a personal tie hidden iPhone mobile phones by customs administrative penalty.

At present, such cases were transferred to customs authorities for further processing. (Picture source: China News Network)

7名男子身绑580部三星苹果手机入境被查 - 海关 - IT资讯





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