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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 9:04:54 Edit(编辑)
Ma blasted TTP and WTO: international trade rules should not serve the political,

Ma blasted TTP and WTO: international trade rules should not serve the political,(马云炮轰WTO和TTP:国际贸易规则不应服务于政治,)



Ma shelling of WTO and TTP:-WTO international trade rules should not serve politics, MA-IT information

On March 23, at the Boao Forum for Asia in today, Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma keynote address, he advocated the establishment of a new international trading platform e-WTP, serve the global proportion of 80% SMEs, young people, entrepreneurs, and developing countries.

He first spoke about the WTO. He recalled that in 2001 while attending in Davos, China joined WTO, worries foreign enterprises to enter China as a "Wolf", but the trend is inevitable, you must embrace.

"Many voices against globalization Davos, which I was confused, and this confusion has continued to the present. ”

MA is now confused, internationalization of the past 15 years, in developed countries, large enterprises and multinational companies to benefit, but how to get benefits for young people, entrepreneurs, is a huge challenge.

Ma believes that now the World Trade Organization WTO, such as TTP is led by Governments, protectionism has started to spread, now mainly serves politics.

Bring about change due to the development of Internet technology, Ma said their influence as much as the first industrial revolution, the development of the Internet and electronic technology makes more equal trade, easier business, possible for ordinary people to enjoy the benefits of international trade.

Ma stressed that the world becomes more complex, increased international debate and confrontation, and trade is the best way to communicate, should not become a political tool.

"International trade sanctions on SMEs, as much as the bombing of civilians. "Ma said trade is the right of everyone in the world, we should be breaking down trade barriers, accounted for 80% of the enterprise in the world, the developing countries, the general population enjoy a reasonable trade.

In this regard, Indonesia Trade Minister tuomasi·la Peng asked agrees, he believed WTO highly regulatory, political, current development is slow going.

Ma admitted that advocated by its open platform e-WTP is a business-led, rather than organizations are complementary to traditional organizations such as WTO, realization of goods, logistics, data, inclusive financial services, comprehensive global share construction more difficult than when the WTO built.

President and Chief Executive Officer of Mead Johnson nutrition company Ke Sibo stressed, e-WTP building continues to depend on Government support.

Following is the statement of the Ma video

MA: was pleased to be invited to attend the Boao Forum for Asia, the organizers wanted me to speak in English, but I am very confident that the customer first, because so many Chinese here.

2001 I first times to winter Davos, then China just celebrates prepared joined WTO organization, we China everyone think a aspects faced huge of challenge, Wolf to has, foreign of enterprise into China, foreign of production, all of commodity into China, we put abroad called Wolf, addition a aspects we of China Enterprise think, consumers think WTO inevitable, we must to embrace it, embrace this changes. But to has Davos that day is interesting I found whole Davos March demonstrations protest of people very more, everyone are in against globalization, many people think globalization is not will on world economic brings many of benefits, so I with huge of confused participate in that of Conference, see has countless times of demonstrations protest, I no make clear, 15 years past still no change, does past of 15 world trade because WTO organization of advance occurred has turned upside down of changes, 15 yiqian Chinese think Wolf to has foreign enterprise into China will put whole China market washed away, 15 yihou foreign enterprise think China this Wolf to has, pour past put they forced run has, 15 yilai we see addition of a problem, developing countries SMEs and countless of young and no from globalization in the get huge of interests, certainly 15 yilai countless of transnational Enterprise get has huge of interests, 15 yilai countless of big enterprise get of huge interests, how can let countless of SMEs, and Young people, women entrepreneurs can benefit from the global, which is a huge problem is also a huge challenge with confusion, no WTO efforts over the past decades, the world economic and trade development in the world today, but unfortunately today by the WTO to the Doha Forum so far when it comes to government departments now very curious about the whole discussion in the discussion, but where are the entrepreneurs? Where are real traders?

We if such continues to down, we must trying to change existing of trade State, world in occurred huge of changes, Internet as this century human huge of technology innovation, it and than first times industrial revolution in United Kingdom outbreak, first times industrial revolution birth has factory, first times industrial revolution birth promote has marine trade, second times industrial revolution in United States to energy mainly of revolution, promote has big company big organization of development, also established has huge of trade terms trade agreement, Today world-wide trade agreements do we lack? We not deficiency, results trade increasingly difficult for, results debate increasingly more, results is increasingly more people of not happy, and we today see if human cannot using good this technology, if first times revolution is release people of physical, second times revolution release has people can go have more far run have more far, this revolution release of not hand also not feet, this revolution release of is wisdom, release of is brain, how using we of wisdom and brain to solution human in trade process among occurred of problem.

Today we can is clear of see, this world became increasingly complex, people and people Zhijian lack of trust, people and people Zhijian lack of each other communication understanding, different of culture are in constantly of debate, constantly of against among, I think trade is best of communication, trade is biography contains culture best of place, trade can let we respect understanding different of culture, and today of trade into has political of means, today of trade into has war of tool, today of trade with of are is sanctions, I am strongly opposed to all forms of trade sanctions, in particular SMEs, sanctions, I think that the bombing of the sanction is imposed on the civilian population of SMEs, we must return to trade trade trade itself should not take on more political elements, trade enterprises with government NGO organization, balancing of interests to establish a new trade rules.

Past 20 years Internet constantly of development, put world connection up, put each personal contact up, regardless of Google or regardless of Facebook or Tencent or Baidu or are tries to put people connection up, we if today using Internet put world of enterprise and Bank contact up, based facilities contact up, let everyone can engaged in trade, let everyone can participation trade, let each small enterprise can participation trade, I believes this is we this generation people must to do of things.

So, I special of hope in this forum Shang calls for world established a eWTP, in this above we focused Yu 80% no opportunities participation globalization of enterprise, we focused those small enterprise, focused those developing countries, if past of WTO principles or, past of all trade is help transnational enterprise, help developed, future of 30 years we should focused Yu those 80% of SMEs, 80% of developing countries, 80% of women and young, Let they more has opportunities in this platform above, I of understanding is regardless of you with what, should is consumers can global buy global sold, past of trade is big enterprise Zhijian of rules, future of trade should is commercial Zhijian of rules, future of trade is everyone has opportunities participation, regardless of you home has a to, you field production out of agricultural can through this platform not sold himself village, not sold himself County, but sold to world any of national, consumers right to Lee buy to world of any place, Trade should is everyone of right, trade should everyone participation, regardless of day has work, night still can trade, we think should break all of trade barriers, I think we to common to efforts, established such of a difficulty and than WTO organization of construction, but I believes today we has has has such of technology, we today has such of young, we has on world trade game rules to further perfect of conditions, Everyone know two days yiqian Alibaba of GMV over has 3 trillion, Alibaba in past 13 years whole China Internet based facilities does not perfect, trade conditions does not perfect of situation Xia, we completed has 3 trillion of sales, in short of 13 years within, if 13 thousands of a China young can do why we not can through ten years 20 years of efforts let world of trade platform became more of no obstacles.

So, I hope also calls for everyone common established this platform, regardless of you willing to not willing to, you agreed not agreed we must to change must to created a new of platform, in this platform above we no longer is each other of debate, we this platform Shang share trade share culture, in this platform above we can increased States Zhijian of understanding, this platform above world of young found himself of opportunities, so this is I today wants to proposed of views, in this inside we not only advance whole platform of technology, Also, promoting inclusive financial, inclusive financial systems can benefit young people all over the world, we need Internet linked enterprises all over the world, we need data can give everyone in the world a fair trading environment, so that everyone can use all of our logistics system in manufacturing.

The world has changed, we can′t argue over yesterday, we cannot restore to yesterday′s glory, only tomorrow, only 80% people who did not get a chance to get the chance yesterday, the world will be more beautiful.

I want all young people at the Boao Forum with all small and medium enterprises, like all developing countries, we′re not subversive who, we are not going to oppose, we need to work together to establish a new trading platform. Thank you very much!

马云炮轰WTO和TTP:国际贸易规则不应服务于政治 - WTO,马云 - IT资讯






















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