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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/2 7:52:24 Edit(编辑)
New year new job: HP drastically cut 5,000 employees,

New year new job: HP drastically cut 5,000 employees,(新年新工作:惠普大刀阔斧再裁5000名员工,)

New year new job: HP drastically cut 5,000 employees-HP, HP-IT information New year new job: HP drastically cut 5,000 employees

2013 comes to pass, coming in the new year, but some people might have liked it or not. It was reported that Hewlett Packard recently renewed retrenchment, 5,000 employees in the new year under the first order of business is looking for a new job.

Statistics show that before that HP has cut 29,000 jobs, according to the recently announced HP's information shows that during new year 's, the company will cut 5,000 jobs again. The good news is the company's CEO Meg Whitman said this was the last round of Hewlett-Packard's recent massive layoffs.

HP said that due to poor market conditions, companies operate under pressure, so we need to increase the scale of layoffs again. Reports HP will be launched at the end of a large screen smartphones , 2013 is almost over the phone has disappeared. Don't know HP will change in the coming year, we'll see what happens.


新年新工作:惠普大刀阔斧再裁5000名员工 - 惠普,HP - IT资讯


据统计,在此之前惠普已经裁员29000人,根据日前惠普公布的资料显示,公司在新年期间将再度裁员5000人。好消息是公司CEO Meg Whitman表示这将是惠普近期最后一轮大面积裁员。



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