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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:10:27 Edit(编辑)
Tesla to be Apple iCar? ,

Tesla to be Apple iCar? ,(特斯拉要变苹果iCar?,)

Tesla to be Apple iCar?
-Tesla, Tesla, Apple, iCar-IT information Tesla will get Apple iCar?

According to foreign media reports, Apple since last year have been considering buying the famous electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla (Tesla).

Tesla Motors, is a production and sales of electric vehicles and parts company, was established in 2003. Tesla set of unique shapes, high acceleration, better handling and advanced technology for the same, thereby making it the quickest and most fuel-efficient cars on the road.

Sources said, long before Ahmad issued open letters to cook for half a year, Apple and Tesla executives have met on the acquisition. Last October, Germany investment banking analyst at Berenberg s andaan·aihamaide (Andaan Ahmad) had issued an open letter to Cook, called on Apple to under take to Tesla.

It is understood that in April 2013, Tesla CEO Elon Musk had met at Apple's headquarters in California and cook. Earlier, analysts said talk of Musk and cook met integration between iOS devices with Tesla Motors, however, Apple acquired Adnaan Ahmad joined the meeting by heads of Department the subject turned to acquisitions.

It is worth mentioning that, Ahmed suggested that Apple acquired in the month in Tesla, Apple Vice President of product design of its daoge·feierde announced his departure, his next duty station was Tesla, participate in the development of the company's new car.


特斯拉要变苹果iCar? - 特斯拉,特斯拉,苹果,iCar - IT资讯



消息人士表示,早在艾哈迈德向库克发出公开信之前半年,苹果和特斯拉的高层就已经就收购一事进行了会面。去年10月,德国投资银行Berenberg旗下分析师安达安•艾哈迈德(Andaan Ahmad)曾向库克发出公开信,呼吁苹果将特斯拉收至麾下。

据了解,特斯拉CEO Elon Musk曾于2013年4月在苹果的加州总部和库克进行会面。此前有分析师称,Musk和库克的会面的话题只是iOS设备与特斯拉汽车之间的整合,然而苹果收购部门主管Adnaan Ahmad的加入让这一次会谈的主题转向了收购。



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