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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/2 7:51:52 Edit(编辑)
China announced the “anti-pornography“ ten cases,

China announced the “anti-pornography“ ten cases,(中国公布“扫黄打非”十大案件,)

"Anti-pornography" ten cases of this announcement-anti-pornography-IT information "Anti-pornography" ten cases of this publication

The national "anti-pornography" Office today announced the 2013 "anti-pornography" ten cases. 4 cases of illegal publications, dissemination of pornographic information 1 cases, 3 piracy case, 2 cases of journalists.

Top ten cases are as follows:

Shaanxi Xian "3·20" sales illegal publications case, Guangdong Dongguan "3·17" Yao a network spread pornographic material profit case, Shanxi yuncheng "9·20" fake reporter fraud case, Shandong zhangqiu "9·03" printed piracy books case, Sichuan Chengdu "6·09" printed illegal publications case, Jiangsu Lianyungang "2·18" news extortion case, Hubei Jingzhou "5·24" illegal plug-in case, Gansu linxia "3·27" manufacturing and selling illegal publications case, Yunnan tengchong, and lincang "3·24" piracy Case of the Xinhua dictionary, as well as the Beijing area of absolute violation of publishing.


“扫黄打非”十大案件今公布 - 扫黄打非 - IT资讯





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